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Ender Ants Liometopum occidentale Journal

liometopum liometopum occidentale velvety tree ants

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#1 Offline Ender Ants - Posted November 11 2024 - 4:42 PM

Ender Ants

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July 21, 2024: Loads of Eggs [3 workers]

One of the newer species I caught during my excursion to the mountains. Currently they are at 3 workers and have a small clutch of eggs. The queen almost drowned in water, marking my first and last time using these blue stoppers instead of cotton.





August 19, 2024: New Map [20 workers]

Moved these guys into a small tubs and tubes setup consisting of eco earth, orchid bark, coco chips, sphagnum moss, and string of turtle vine clippings. The colony started exploding and I'm starting to lose count because of how active they can be. The first day they moved in here, they already covered up their entrance.





October 14, 2024: The Growth Continues [~50 workers]

Officially lost count of how many workers there are, guessing around 50. More than half the colony roams around in the outworld. They also migrated out of their test tube into a smaller one. Time to plan another move for them. Originally wanted a formicarium, but after seeing how active they can be, I might reconsider to a naturalistic ant tank. 








October 31, 2024: Loving The Heat [~70 workers]

I'm still giving them access to heat and they enjoy putting out right above the heat cable for me to see most of their brood. So far I've been giving them crickets, but I rarely see them eat it. In fact, they look like they enjoy dried bloodworms more than that as I always see them take it into their nest. 


Another colony I was not expecting to grow so fast. Active one's at that. You can see my footage of them in this video. Can see them being on par with my Solenopsis xyloni. Looking forward to their continued growth. If you've kept this species before, would love to hear any tips or dietary needs they may need. Feel like they'll get tired of these bloodworms lol.

Edited by Ender Ants, November 11 2024 - 4:43 PM.

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