May 7, 2020: New Homes
Follow me on Instagram for more active updates on all my colonies:
Colony #1 (Dealate)
Worker Count: 10 + 5 cocoons & brood
This colony has been moved to a tubs and tubes setup since their test tube ran out of water. I wanted to see if they would move the substrate, but it looks like they don't, even if it is watered. I also noticed that they put some larvae outside right in front of their test tube on the sand, so that the larvae can spin cocoons. I have been feeding both colonies more food lately, and I think the queens have laid their first batches, and the larvae have been turning into cocoons quicker as a result. The red liquid is Hawaiian Punch, but they covered up their parchment paper with sand. So I placed it on the moth wing instead, and they drink it from there.

Colony #2 (Queen w/ wings)
Worker Count: 4 + 2 cocoons, 1 larvae & small batch of eggs
I actually have no idea what happened to the other worker, because they were at 5 in the last update. Before I had them attached to another test tube to try and move them, but after 2 months I decided to move them into a tubs and tubes setup. One must have escaped during that time, since they are the fastest ants I have ever kept. They could probably keep up with me if I walked at a normal pace (not an exaggeration). Unlike my other colony that has settled down, sometimes a worker would run to the top when the container moves a little. Scary moments.

Edited by Ender Ants, May 7 2020 - 2:08 PM.