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Feeding Earwig colonies bloodworms - alternate protien sources

protien earwig bloodworms feeder insect video

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#1 Offline UtahAnts - Posted June 13 2023 - 2:18 PM


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I know many of you are already aware of earwigs (Dermaptera) being a protien option for your colonies, however I don't think most people realize they can gut-load earwigs (similar to crickets). I've found that young earwigs will gladly take bloodworms which are already a fantastic source of protien that many ants love. Below is a short video of a female earwig and her young being fed a couple dry bloodworms - I feed them every two days. The young earwigs are a great source of protein, and in my experience many ants favor young earwigs, who do not have developed exoskeletons and cerci, to earwig egg batches and fully grown adults.




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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: protien, earwig, bloodworms, feeder insect, video

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