Update 8-5-2016 One of this queen's new eggs eventually developed into a major. This major eclosed about two weeks ago, and for some reason it's brown. Not only that, but it looks like it has a clypeal carina.

At first I assumed it was just brown because it was callow, because black ants are always brown when they are callow, but two weeks have gone by and it's still brown. Then after taking pictures of it today, I noticed what sure looks to me like a clypeal carina. Im not completely sure because some
Camponotus that supposedly don't have one, look to me like they do. If it is one, then this would not only mean that these can't be
C. quercicola, but that they can't even be of the
Camponotus subgenus at all. I guess it would be some sort of
Tanaemyrmex, but I don't even know of any solid, medium brown
Camponotus this size of any subgenus around here. I also don't know of any
Tanaemyrmex around here that lay long skinny eggs like
C. laevigatus either. I'm trying to remember if I could have possibly boosted them either on purpose or on accident while moving colonies around, but I highly doubt that would have happened; Besides, I don't even have any other species that produces workers that look like this. One other thing, why would the queen and minors be pretty much black, but the majors be medium brown? I've seen differences in colors between minors and majors, but not like that.
I moved these out of their test tube and into one of my small founding formicariums.
Edit: Okay after looking closer at it with my microscope, I think I can tell the difference between a clypeus with a carina and one without that looks like it has one. I now don't think this major has a clypeal carina, I'm just not sure why the line is so prominent in the pictures, because it isn't when looking at it with the microscope. I'm also not even completely sure this is a major, because it kind of looks like something in between minor and major. I just keyed it out, and it keys to
C. quercicola. I just don't get the color.
Edited by dspdrew, February 21 2024 - 9:45 PM.