Beginning 6-24-2020
I have an obsessive side to my personality. Since finding a Pheidole major in my yard last September, I had become quite obsessed with the idea of finding a queen and raising a colony of this species. Through my research, I learned that these are night flyers that like to fly on warm humid nights usually after a good rain. Other members on here recommended using the black light method, so I ordered a 25watt bulb off of Amazon and experimented with several configurations to attract queens.
On Friday, 6/19, I tried a new approach using a lamp from my living room and an old white sheet we had laying around. It looked like this:

Literally within minutes of turning the thing on, right after nightfall, a reddish little queen showed up on the sheet! It looked just like a little red Tetramorium queen, and I knew this had to be Pheidole. Within the next hour, two more had shown up. I put all of these first three queens in test tube set ups and called it a night.
On Father's Day, 6/21, I set up my spooky blacklight again, and two more of these girls showed up. What a great Father's Day gift!
Currently, all five of these are in standard test tube set ups. Three of them have shed their wings, and I'm seeing a few egg piles starting to form. I'm super excited to raise this species and document the journey here. Stay tuned!

If you are a PheidolePhenom, please share advice because these ants seem to be kind of shrouded in mystery on this forum for whatever reason.
Edited by ANTdrew, February 11 2021 - 8:57 AM.