Current ants
In order of acquisition
1) Opisthopsis rufithorax (strobe ant) 10mm queen - 23rd Feb 2018. First nanitic 2nd April 2018
2) Melophorus sp2. - black and orange 6-7mm queen - 11th May 2018 http://www.formicult...eidole/?p=90733
3) Pheidole antipodum, 14-15mm queen - 29th November 2018 - http://www.formicult...-49#entry105566
- 1 - queen 5 - first nanitic 24th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-61#entry107701
- 2 - former Dual queen setup 2 - first nanitic 8th February 2019 - http://www.formicult...-64#entry108282
4) Myrmecia fulvipes, bull ant 17-18mm queen - 8th November 2018 - http://www.formicult...-45#entry104685
first worker 5th February 2019 - http://www.formicult...-63#entry108134
5) Pheidole sp. red 7mm queens x 2 - 5th October 2020 - https://www.formicul...-85#entry165168
Iridomyrmex - not logging her
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = 19th October 2018 http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Past ants
1) Camponotus Aeneopilosus - 28th February 2018 to 5th march 2018
queen death - RIP http://www.formicult...ce-ant/?p=85069
2) Camponotus Humilior - 22nd Feb 2018 - sold 18th March 2018
3) Doleromyrma sp. colony - 27th match 2018 http://www.formicult...ce-ant/?p=86637
possibly Doleromyrma species, ID thread http://www.formicult...tralia-2732018/
Released back to wild - 2 April 2018 - queen seems to have disappeared... dead or killed...
4) Tetramorium bicarinatum queen - 28th March 2018
5) Pheidole sp. smaller red 6mm - 6th April 2018
6) All black Pheidole queen, 7mm - she was with the above queens, and they munched on her, moved to new test tube, but even missing limbs and part of one antenna she laid eggs - 13th April 2018
RIP - drowned in honey

7) large Melophorus sp. queen 12-13mm
Queen died RIP http://www.formicult...eidole/?p=90978
8) Iridomyrmex reburrus? - 11mm queen (red headed meat ant) - 12th April 2018 http://www.formicult...ce-ant/?p=87955
traded for my black and orange melophorus colony
9) Iridomyrmex biknelli - 19th April 2018
released http://www.formicult...-10#entry91246Â
10) Camponotus suffusus - colony1 - 22 May 2018 http://www.formicult...-11#entry91958Â
to 29 May 2018 queen death - RIP http://www.formicult...e-12#entry92480
Merged the surviving 2 nanitics and 4 larvae with colony 2 - http://www.formicult...e-13#entry93245
11) Iridomyrmex purpureus queen - 29th May 2018 http://www.formicult...ifemur/?p=92647
Queen RIP 5th June 2018 http://www.formicult...e-14#entry93448
12) Camponotus humilior, part 2 - 19th April 2018
released 12th May 2018 http://www.formicult...e-15#entry94197
13) Camponotus suffusus - colony2 - 30 may 2018 http://www.formicult...3#entry92882Â Â Â
to 11th July 2018 queen death - RIP http://www.formicult...mur/#entry97156
14) Iridomyrmex bicknelli - colony 2 - 22 July 2018 - http://www.formicult...e-21#entry98024
released http://www.formicult...mex/#entry98378
15) Polyrhachis femorata colony, dual 11-12mm queens 11 July 2018 http://www.formicult...e-19#entry97176
sold 13th August 2018 http://www.formicult...mex/#entry99526
16) Lioponera ruficornis/larvata 5mm queen - 6th July 2018 - http://www.formicult...mur/#entry96674
released 13th August 2018 http://www.formicult...e-24#entry99530
17) Rhytidoponera species 6-7mm queen, 6th July 2018 - http://www.formicult...e-18#entry96625
sold 29th August 2018
18) Iridomyrmex sp. black 8.5mm queen - 26 august 2018 http://www.formicult...-26#entry100545
sold 9th September 2018
19) Rhytidoponera species - 9mm queen - 30 August 2018 http://www.formicult...-27#entry100829
sold 27th September 2018 http://www.formicult...-33#entry102589
20) 2x Phediole sp. red head/black body 8mm queens - 25 June 2018 http://www.formicult...e-16#entry95457
sold 13th October 2018
21) Pheidole sp. red 7mm queen - 19 August 2018 http://www.formicult...e-25#entry99993
sold 14th October 2018
22) Pheidole sp. red headed, black body 9mm queen - 24th April 2018 http://www.formicult...knelli/?p=89085
traded 15 October 2018
23) Pheidole sp, all black 8mm queen - 26th April 2018
sold 6th November 2018 http://www.formicult...ex/#entry104602
24) Rhytidoponera cf metallica 8mm queen1 - 22nd September 2018 http://www.formicult...32#entry102266
Sold 7th November 2018 http://www.formicult...ex/#entry104652
25) Rhytidoponera cf metallica 7-8mm queen2 - 28th September 2018 http://www.formicult...-33#entry102639
first worker eclosed http://www.formicult...-45#entry104643
Sold 7th November 2018
26) Camponotus consobrinus 16-17mm queen - black thorax colour scheme variant - 19th April 2018
27) Pheidole cf antipodum 13mm from Western Australia - 23rd October 2018 - http://www.formicult...-41#entry103909
RIP http://www.formicult...ex/#entry105124
28) Rhytidoponera aspera Gamergate colony - possible 2 or more gamergates 29th Septmber 2018 http://www.formicult...-33#entry102693
released 25th November 2018 http://www.formicult...-48#entry105384
28) Pheidole cf antipodum 15mm - 5th June 2018 - http://www.formicult...e-14#entry93324
RIP 29th November 2018 http://www.formicult...-49#entry105558
29) Pheidole sp, light red head, dark red body, 6-7mm queen - 14 September 2018 http://www.formicult...-30#entry101712
Sold 1st December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-50#entry105682
30) Myrmecia nigrocincta 20mm bullants x14 - oldest 9th october 2018 http://www.formicult...-36#entry103094
youngest 20th October 2018 http://www.formicult...-40#entry103704
last one sold on 3rd December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-50#entry105786
31) Camponotus cf nigriceps 18-19mm queen - 3rd December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-50#entry105810
RIP - 9th December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-51#entry106057
32) Aphaenogaster longiceps 12-13mm queen - 19th December 2018 - [http://www.formicult...-53#entry106448
Sold 1st January 2018 - http://www.formicult...ia/#entry106895
33) Rhytidoponera aspera, dark blue/purple/green 8-9mm queen - 19th December 2018 - [http://www.formicult...-53#entry106448
Sold 4th January 2018 - http://www.formicult...-56#entry106983
34) Iridomyrmex species - dark red head/throax, iridescent bronze gaster, 10-11 queen - 5th December 2018 http://www.formicult...-50#entry105919
first nanitic 9th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...58#entry107167
sold 14th January 2019 http://www.formicult...ia/#entry107380
35) Pheidole sp. red headed, black body 8-9mm queen - 19th April 2018
first nanitic 30th September 2018 http://www.formicult...-34#entry102749
Formerly triple queen, kicked bad apple queen out... http://www.formicult...-37#entry103211
Second queen removed on 4th January 2018 after being attacked by workers... and then sold http://www.formicult...-56#entry106972
Sold 18th January 2018
36) Iridomyrmex purpureus (meat ant) 14mm queen - 4th September 2018 - http://www.formicult...-28#entry101171
colony 2 - first nanitic 21st December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-54#entry106528
colony 2 sold 22nd January 2019
colony 1 - first nanitic 27th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-62#entry107994
colony 1 sold 11th Feb 2019
37) Melophorus sp1. (furnace ant) black and red 6-7mm queen - 15th March 2018
RIP queen died 30th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-62#entry107931
38) Pheidole antipodum, 14-15mm queen - 29th November 2018 - http://www.formicult...-49#entry105566
Queen 3 - first nanitic 13th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-59#entry107325
gave her to a friend
Queen 6 - first nanitic 29th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-62#entry107898
sold 10th February 2019
queen 7 - first nanitic 8th February 2019 - http://www.formicult...-64#entry108282
sold 22nd February 2019 - http://www.formicult...-67#entry108847
queen 8 - former partner of Dual queen setup 1 - first nanitic 18th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-60#entry107482
queen 9 - former partner of Dual queen setup 1 - separated on 20th march 2019 after a fight http://www.formicult...-70#entry110539
both sold on 23rd March 2019 http://www.formicult...ia/#entry110967
queen 4 - first nanitic 28th January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-61#entry107857
infertile - passed away 9th June 2020 - https://www.formicul...-84#entry150030
38) Camponotus suffusus bendigensis 17mm queen2 - 24th October 2018 - http://www.formicult...-41#entry103920
first nanitic 21st December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-54#entry106528
sold 22nd February 2018 - http://www.formicult...-67#entry108847
39) Camponotus nigriceps Queen 19mm - 18th December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-53#entry106380
first nanitic eclosed 7th Feb 2019 - http://www.formicult...-64#entry108277
Sold 2nd May 2019 http://www.formicult...-73#entry113453
40) red Pheidole 6-7mm queen - 27th March 2019 - http://www.formicult...ia/#entry114957
first nanitic - 14th June 2019 - http://www.formicult...ia/#entry117639
sold 17th Sept 2019 http://www.formicult...-79#entry127005
41)Colobopsis macrocephala 9mm queen - 2nd January 2019 - http://www.formicult...-55#entry106874
first nanitic eclosed 20th Feb 2019 - http://www.formicult...-66#entry108738
queen passed away 9th Dec 2019 - https://www.formicul...ia/#entry132660
42)Pheidole, red headed black body 9mm queens - 19th September 2019 - http://www.formicult...ia/#entry127247
passed away 21st December 2019 https://www.formicul...-82#entry133122
43) Rhytidoponera metallica 9mm queen - 6th September 2019 - http://www.formicult...ia/#entry125887
first worker 17th November 2019 - https://www.formicul...mecia/?p=131904
sold 6th Jan 2020 https://www.formicul...-83#entry133660
44) Camponotus aeneopilosus, aka golden tail sugar ant, 12mm queen - 11th December 2018 - http://www.formicult...-52#entry106188
first drone eclosed 4th Feb 2019 - http://www.formicult...-63#entry108131
RIP 16th Jan 2020 - https://www.formicul...mecia/?p=134289
45) Camponotus suffusus bendigensis 17-18 mm queen - 10th October 2018 http://www.formicult...-36#entry103159
first nanitic 23rd December 2018 http://www.formicult...-54#entry106556
Sold 25th April 2020 https://www.formicul...-84#entry143668
46) Polyrhachis rufifemur - 9mm queen - 22 May 2018 http://www.formicult...e-12#entry91959
passed away without workers 19th January 2021 - https://www.formicul...mecia/?p=175900
47) Polyrachis ammon 12mm queen - 14th February 2021 - https://www.formicul...-88#entry178780
Passed away with 3 donated workers 19th March 2021 - https://www.formicul...-89#entry181809
Intro post
Currently I have Camponotus Humilior (maybe, ID thread http://www.formicult...ane-australia/)
When I received them there were 5 nanitics, one died the day after and go eaten by all, and the dead body got put against the water cotton wool in the tube and the cotton started going red...
see this thread for complete saga and all the juicey details!

In hindsight I should have put them straight into an outworld, and for a while I did try to feed them inside the test tube...
Anyway this ant was not something I really wanted, it was just a spur of the moment thing, so I don't really "love" them.
The whole nocturnal thing with them is off putting and they are so timid and passive

On the other hand, vibration and light, being exposed etc doesn't bother them too much.
Right now she has 4 nanitics, 1 egg and 2 larvae as of yesterday, one larvae a bit bigger than the other,
They are currently in a ghetto Chinese takeaway container "outworld", test tube and straw entrance setup.
I bought a plastic container that I will move them into, once I get an hole made, and add some sand.
I also have an Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant) queen and brood, and Camponotus Aeneopilosus (golden tail sugar ant) queen with brood and nanitics
The strobe ant queen is so "cute", with a fetching orange colour, and apparently has good eyesight, she gets restless even in a red test tube holder, which is supposed to cut down light
But she sees through it and all. She's fine though when I have her half in/out of a rolled up foam tube
When I first took a look at her, all her brood and eggs were scattered all over the test tube.
It was very cool seeing her collect all her brood and stack them neatly into a pile near the water side cotton.
She will sometimes come out of the dark side of the test tube and have a look around in the lit side of the test tube at the entrance, I think she maybe looking for a way out..
Anyway she has much more personality than the above queen which is very passive.
Her brood are about about medium sized so it will be a while till nanitics arrive. I hear strobe ants are very slow to develop.
The Camponotus Aeneopilosus queen was about me wanting a fun large'ish ant that would respond and be active during the day, unlike most Campontous ants around here
I'll try and get some photos of them soon.
And give them some names

I have two Tarheel Ants Atom C that I will most likely move the Opisthopsis strobe ant and Aeneopilosus queen into.
The strobe ant should be easy enough, and have her sit in it, all plugged up like a test tube setup - does she need water, when set up like this?
Then when she has nanitics I can drop it straight into one of my two outworlds, and it'll be like an Inception Chamber.
Edited by CoolColJ, March 19 2021 - 7:09 AM.