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Tanks Myrmecocystus melliger

myrmecocystus honey pot ants

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#21 Offline 100lols - Posted July 28 2023 - 9:36 PM


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So sorry for your loss Tanks. Do you plan on purchasing another queen?

I’d love to see you give it another go if that’s possible for you.

My M. mimicus queen got quite stressed when I attempted to feed her… she ate most of her brood sadly. I had given her a tiny slice of super worm dipped in honey… Hopefully the remaining larvae will make it. We live and we learn :)

#22 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 29 2023 - 12:20 AM


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Oh no, this is sad.

Stories like that are what actually keeps me away from paying a lot of money for a honey pot queen (they are very expensive over here, if available at all).

Honey pots might be one of my dream species, though.

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