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myrmecocystus mexicanus diet help?

myrmecocystus mexicanus honey pot ants diet help

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#1 Offline Vern530 - Posted January 7 2020 - 7:15 AM


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hey there so i have a colony of myrmecocystus mexicanus that i got from dspdrew and I'm having difficulty getting them to take a sweet carbohydrate source.I have sugar water in one feeder with blue food coloring and honey water with green food coloring and they seem to not be eating both...any ideas?they were eating fruit fly's like crazy but rejected last batch i gave them so i switch back and forth from meal worms to fruit flys.any diet info would be greatly appreciated or any care tips on this species in general.thanks in advance

#2 Online Zeiss - Posted January 7 2020 - 12:54 PM


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A sugar:water mixture of 1:3 (respectively) should be fine.  I typically use byFormica Sunburst and I have not used food coloring before, but many have without problem.  It is a colder part of the year, so they might not be as active with collecting food or sugars.  


As with any animal, a variety of foods is always your best option.  They will eat most insects just fine.

#3 Offline Superant33 - Posted January 7 2020 - 4:40 PM


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My honey pots are mostly dormant from November-March. Their food consumption goes way down. It’s normal. I still offer food, but on a reduced basis.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: myrmecocystus mexicanus, honey pot ants, diet help

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