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Tips on catching honeypot ant queens(North America)

honeypot ants myrmecocystus nuptial flight

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#1 Offline antsnewmexico - Posted July 4 2017 - 1:24 PM



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Hey guys, I live in New Mexico and have come across honeypot ant colonies. i.e. myrmecocystus sp. I was wondering if anyone can give me tips on catching these queens such as time of day, locations around the desert or around my house, and nuptial flights. Also, anyone's experiences on catching and raising honeypot ants. Thank you

#2 Offline Bryansant - Posted July 12 2017 - 10:10 AM


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Hi antsnewmexico, if you do a search of this website using the search tool and "myrmecocystus" or "honeypot," you will find tons of information to answer your questions -there's a wealth of information and experience previously posted, everything from flights to care to colony journals of those who have kept them. Search by author for dspdrew's posts on his Myrmecocystus mexicanus colonies which are detailed and very informative.

#3 Offline antsnewmexico - Posted July 30 2017 - 10:58 AM



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: honeypot ants, myrmecocystus, nuptial flight

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