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This is a website for anyone interested in Myrmecology and all aspects of finding, keeping, and studying ants. The site and forum are free to use. Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation points to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!


Greetings from Finland!

finland introduction arctic circle

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#1 Offline Arctos - Posted August 30 2018 - 7:33 AM



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I'm a 29 years old HVAC salesman living in the Arctic Circle in Finland.

I've always been fascinated about ants since I grew up in the countryside and we had plenty around us.

But my interest in keeping them started in January 2018 when after watching Coyote Peterson getting stung by all sorts of nasty things YouTube gave me a recommendation to a video by AntsCanada.

After "a few" AC videos I snapped out of my trance and realized I had just spent the last six hours watching videos about keeping ants. So I decided to give it a shot this summer.

I had plenty of time to study and prepare before winter was over and the snow melted away.


I'm currently keeping a small Lasius Niger colony found under a stone, a rescued Myrmica Rubra colony with three queens and about 40-50 workers and three Camponotus Herculeanus queens, one of which just had her very first nanitic(!).


Been stalking this forum the whole year so I finally decided to register and introduce myself. (And maybe even partake in some of the conversations in this fine community) ;)


So... Hello!


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#2 Offline Major - Posted August 30 2018 - 7:55 AM


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#3 Offline Ikerrilove - Posted August 30 2018 - 9:48 AM


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Youtube seems to like recommending him since that's pretty much what drew me here as well this summer. Nice to meet you.

#4 Offline T.C. - Posted August 30 2018 - 3:49 PM


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Welcome to formiculture.

#5 Offline sirjordanncurtis - Posted August 30 2018 - 3:57 PM


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: finland, introduction, arctic circle

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