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So...what happened to all my posts?

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#1 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 6 2018 - 7:54 PM


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The other month got told got hacked. Though I dunno why someone would hack my account only. Maybe I really did get hacked, but I have my doubts cause none of my other accounts I have even been touched. But, I browsed forums earlier today and all my posts lead to a google shorten link. I haven't clicked the links since I don't want some virus, and I don't have time to go through and edit every single of my posts to remove the links. From what I can tell, almost every single of my posts got changed. I'm in process of getting ready to move and can't deal with fixing that. And I don't even remember what the contents of the posts were to begin with. I had a lot of posts, and now they are just gone with some weird google link spam.


Rather pissed (but honestly still don't care that much, too busy dealing with the moving stuff. More annoyed all the time and effort to making posts was for nothing) that a large majority of my posts are gone and are now just spam that probably leads to a virus. Unless some mod hated my posts and myself cause I'm disabled and don't drive and messed with all my posts to get a laugh out cause whatever person thinks I'm "special" and shouldn't keep ants because I'm also poor. But if so, sorry to say you wasted your time changing all my posts cause I've been around the internet long enough not to get bothered by lowly lowlife trolls. 


Oh well. Whether a hacker wanted to try and get a laugh by screwing with my account or a mod or whatever, don't have time to deal with that right now lol. And honestly I don't care either, so the person wasted their time lol. All they did was screw the forum out of a lot of posts that had information (mostly on termites really) and whatever google shortener link they sent people too. They only hurt the forum and not me lol. So I dunno what they thought they'd get out of it lol. The only sad part is a lot of information I posted I guess is gone forever. Unless it can be restored.


Anyway, I'll check back in a few months after I'm done moving. Hopefully there is a way to restore the posts, or at very least they can be deleted so random people don't click the link and get a virus.

Edited by Vendayn, May 6 2018 - 7:55 PM.

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#2 Offline Enderz - Posted May 6 2018 - 8:08 PM


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I was wondering the same thing, every post is just a link to nothing. I thought you were the one who did this, turns out no. Well good luck getting them back.

Edited by EnderzATwar411, May 6 2018 - 8:09 PM.

:morning:  :hot:  :hot:  :hot:

Ex igne et in infernum. 

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted May 6 2018 - 8:22 PM


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Hello vendayn, just so we are clear no Mod's did this trying to make fun of you. I like you just fine, and nobody else here would have any reason to dislike you either. However it also is not a Mod doing it because we can't edit posts, just remove them. Not to mention any of the moderators here aren't the type of people to do it. Also it says edited "By Vendayn."  No doubt this is a crappy situation considering the time you have put into the posts. But it is obvious that someone accessed your account somehow. If I was you I'd change the email your account is linked to, and change the password here if not already done.


Not sure if the content can be unedited, but I'm sure drew will do what he can.

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“If I am killed for simply living, let death be kinder than man.” -Althea Davis

#4 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 6 2018 - 8:29 PM


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Hey, thanks TC. Its good to know mods can't do it. And it be a waste of time to go through every post just to screw with one person lol


As additional info like I put in chat. I DO leave my PC on all day and all night and don't have habit of logging out lol. So I think in that case, either someone who was staying here to help us pack or an actual hacker messed with me. 


But in any case, I'll spend the rest of my freetime and some extra time tonight to change all my passwords in case it was an anonymous person online who found my password. Nothing else has been touched and none of my emails show any suspicious activities or attempted logins, but still better to be safe. I think at this point, its more likely some friend (but only had a few friends over and none would ever do that)


or family member (the family is super angry we are leaving out of state and type of people to do something like that). 


That or an actual hacker, so as a precaution still gonna change all my passwords that I can remember to change.

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#5 Offline T.C. - Posted May 6 2018 - 8:36 PM


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Well, the link is at least not harmful. (not anymore)


“If I am killed for simply living, let death be kinder than man.” -Althea Davis

#6 Offline Jadeninja9 - Posted May 6 2018 - 10:49 PM


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Sucks man. Hope the move goes well.

#7 Offline dspdrew - Posted May 7 2018 - 12:46 AM

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I noticed this a while back, and that was why I changed your password and emailed your new one to you. I'll restore all your posts when I get the time.

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