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Ants found during febuary in Colorado

febuary febuary ants ants in febuary colorado ants ants in colorado camponotus prenolepis

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#1 Offline AntHUB - Posted February 2 2018 - 7:28 PM


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Hey guys,


I was wondering what ants fly during February in Colorado.

I was also wondering the best places/techniques to catch Camponotus and Prenolepis imparis.

President & founder of LHS Entomology Club, (available on discord) Check out my photography website! https://www.armyofinsects.com/ Email me with questions

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#2 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted February 8 2018 - 10:33 PM


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Maybeee prenolepis, not sure about Colorado weather, but they have flown here in SF Bay Area already. First day within two degrees of 70 fahrenheit is usually when they fly. You can see males weeks before queens, then one day you will see nearly twice times as many as before, and that's when they will fly. Could be anywhere from February to April. Check near areas where males are swarming, and look on the ground. I also found a few in pools, but ground works a lot better, as they have a lower mortality rate (for me) and seem to drop their wings more than those found in pools. Wings aren't necessarily a good indicator of fertile/infertile, but it's something, and later in the queen's life, they can pose some problems, like getting stuck, tripping, and more.

As for camponotus, look at night during heatwaves and such. I believe nights above/around 70 work best for finding them, as they are all out during that time looking for a place to start a colony. They can be found from March to July ish, depending on what part of the state you live in. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Colorado has multiple reigons; mountain, grassland, etc., so just keep an eye on the weather and look for those temps.

Edited by YsTheAnt, February 8 2018 - 10:35 PM.

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#3 Offline piratechef - Posted February 8 2018 - 11:08 PM


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I would venture to say that with the snow last week and the snow coming on sat. that we won't have any flights in Feb. Also have been told that prenolepis flies on the western slope. Haven t been able to find any specimens or locations suitable on the eastern yet. Ill be venturing up the mountains starting in march though, the first 70 degree day I'm taking off work. I really want an Imparis this year.

#4 Offline AntHUB - Posted February 9 2018 - 1:48 PM


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what, where i am it has only snowed 4 times

President & founder of LHS Entomology Club, (available on discord) Check out my photography website! https://www.armyofinsects.com/ Email me with questions

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#5 Offline AntHUB - Posted February 9 2018 - 1:50 PM


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does imparis even fly in Colorado

President & founder of LHS Entomology Club, (available on discord) Check out my photography website! https://www.armyofinsects.com/ Email me with questions

at jk@uglyorangetruck.com (funny email, I know)


#6 Offline Derpy - Posted February 9 2018 - 3:43 PM


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Yeah, I believe so.

-1x Parasitic Formica Sp. Colony

-1x Pogonomymrex Californicus Colony

-1x Camponotus Hyatti Colony


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: febuary, febuary ants, ants in febuary, colorado ants, ants in colorado, camponotus, prenolepis

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