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hypoponera queen care

hypoponera queen semi claustrial

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#1 Offline AntsSA - Posted April 12 2017 - 2:02 AM



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hello antlovers

i recently caught two hyponera sp. queens and i am housing them in separate glass jars half full with sand with a small gemstone rock in each under which i poked holes about 1 cm deep and 3 mm wide. they established these as their nests. i am feeding them dead phielode workers from my captive colony (from the grave yard of course). brown sugar water and pre-killed baby meal worms. i will also hydrate the digging medium once every 2 days.

if you have any tips for raising these queens please tell me



#2 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted April 13 2017 - 5:37 AM

Alabama Anter

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hello antlovers

i recently caught two hyponera sp. queens and i am housing them in separate glass jars half full with sand with a small gemstone rock in each under which i poked holes about 1 cm deep and 3 mm wide. they established these as their nests. i am feeding them dead phielode workers from my captive colony (from the grave yard of course). brown sugar water and pre-killed baby meal worms. i will also hydrate the digging medium once every 2 days.

if you have any tips for raising these queens please tell me

don't GIVE THEM DEAD WORKERS! Some of them could have died from mites and disease which means they could be passed on to the queens. What state did you catch them at also?


#3 Offline Jonathan21700 - Posted April 13 2017 - 6:12 AM


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They don't need any sugar. Some fruit flies or small insects every two days should be good.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hypoponera, queen, semi claustrial

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