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SoCal Goals: Veromessor Pergandei, Myrmecocystus creightoni and a Camponotus species!

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#1 Offline soulsynapse - Posted February 23 2017 - 4:48 PM


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  • LocationSoCal

I live in SoCal, what are the best spots for these? Which have the highest density?


According to drew's map, m. creightoni can be found here 




Any suggestions for camponotus? I think there's enough v. pergandei in the area that I'll catch them flying sooner or later :) but suggestions welcome


I'm in Riverside

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#2 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 24 2017 - 9:12 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Almost anywhere you go in the desert you will find V. pergandei. If I was to guess, I would say they are the most abundant ant (of a significant size) in the California deserts. The M. creightoni (not a positive ID by the way), I only remember finding around Palm Desert. Camponotus you can't miss if you go up in the mountains above 5000 feet any time around April and May during a heat wave.

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