My advices on this wonderful family of ants (I have kept Formica pratensis, Lasius umbratus and Lasius fuliginosus)
1) I don't recommend them for the begginers because starting the colony is very delicate and the first workers are very long to come (and often begginners are too impatient. Also it often means stealing puppaes and brood from a natural colony and it is very diffucult not to damage the anthill and kill workers.
2) It's better if you take the brood from your own colony instead of destroying a natural colony to get a few puppaes.
That said, here is my protocol for the adoption :
In all cases :
1) Put the queen in a test tube, in the dark.
2) Feed the queen (they have poor provisions with their small gaster) with sugary water or honey water.
Try finding a colony of Lasius sp (for Lasius parasites) and Serviformica sp (for Formica parasites) as soon as possible as the queens will only survive 1 to 2 weeks without slave workers.
1st method : to be sure your queen won't be killed
If you can find puppaes, take 15-30 puppaes with 5 workers and put them in a separate tube from the queen. Once a puppae is opened by the workers, kill the workers and put the newly born worker with the queen. The queen should get close to it and lick it to give its colonial odor. Once the adoption is done, add the other workers.
2nd method : a colony of Lasius of your own is required
put the queen in the foraging area. It will imitate the colonial odor of your colony (by licking all its body), get to the queen, kill her and take its place.
3rd method : your queen may die
Collect 20 workers in nature. Add them one by one with your queen. If the workers start biting the queen, separte them and repeat the operation until there is no sign of aggression.