July 19, 2024: Worrisome Start [Single Queen 1]
Received my first two colonies from AntopiaUSA, arriving in an insulated box with a cold pack. Unfortunately a leak happened with one colony, but thankfully the queen was alright. Heard they have a high mortality rate so I'm being extra cautious with this species.
July 20, 2024: Safe and Sound [Single Queen 1]
A day later after drying the excess water with the q-tip, she was able to gather her brood underneath a pile of brownish cotton or dirt. Not sure where all this came from exactly. Also caught the queen laying an egg.
Active little larva

July 20, 2024: A Promising Start [Dual Colony - 4w]
The second was a dual queen colony already with 4 nanitics. Lots of brood and activity, also with the brownish material in their tube. No leakage either which was great to see.
July 22, 2024: First Meal [Dual Colony]
2 days after settling in the dark, I gave the dual colony their first meal. I also bought some bloodworms and wanted to see if they would consume it raw.
If not, maybe these leaf hoppers will do the trick.
Yeah, we need to try drenching it in water next time.
July 28, 2024: Nanitics are here [Single Queen 1 - 4w]
A little over a week has passed for the single queen colony, and I checked on her for the first time to 4 nanitics. Nice.

August 19, 2024: Outworld Unlocked [Dual Colony - 8w]
Test tube is drying up and will be going away for a few weeks so you know what that means. At 8 workers and still another batch of cocoons on the way, I'm expecting them to double in population once I'm back.
Here is a video of their progress thus far.
September 6, 2024: Repletes Unlocked [Single Queen 1 - 11w]
Came back and saw the colony has grown to 11 workers and two repletes. Seems like I gave them too much honey before I left, dang. I originally planned to move them into a Mini Hearth but didn't want to force a move so the queen wouldn't stress and potentially die. Until they migrate to one of the smaller test tubes, they'll be in here.
September 6, 2024: Losing The Race [Dual Colony - 8w]
Moved the dual colony before I left too. Interestingly no new workers hatched so now they've been overtaken by the single queen. Also one of the test tubes leaked, so they decorated their floor a bit.
October 14, 2024: First Death [Single Queen 1 - 15w]
Now with 15 workers in the colony, they have finally decided to migrate to a new test tube. The first replete has also perished, with two more about to take her place. Around 20-30 workers I might move them into a Mini Hearth XL or something. I want to start seeing those orbs!
October 14, 2024: Double Digits [Dual Colony - 17w]
Looks I spoke too soon, this colony is back in the lead with the number of workers. A couple small repletes, but they're still mobile.
Keeping these ants have been a real treat. Was not expecting them to grow quick and be as active as they are. I'd love for them to be in a desert themed ant tank. Might try with another colony once they get large enough since I already have 3 queens. Also I don't think I heated them enough this summer, so I will definitely do so once winter's over.
Edited by Ender Ants, November 11 2024 - 4:02 PM.