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Edmonton AB Canada, Lots of Queens Available, Could Ship Within Canada.

queen ants ants for sale edmonton ants canada ants ant farm queens for sale alberta ants formica queen camponotus queen

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#1 Offline EdmontonAntKeeper - Posted August 19 2024 - 7:42 AM



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  • 4 posts
  • LocationEdmonton AB
Formica sp. from Formica fusca group, probably Formica argentea, accreta or podzolica. Caught after Nuptial flight.
Queen with 2-3 workers $10
Queen with 5+ workers $15
Queen with 10+ workers $25
Camponotus sp. (Carpenter Ant, probably herculeanus or modoc). Caught after Nuptial flight:
Queen with eggs $20.
Queen with 1 worker $30.
Queen with 3 workers $35.
Camponotus sp. (Red Carpenter Ant, probably Novaeboracensis ). Caught after Nuptial flight:
Queen with eggs $20.
Camponotus sp. (Black Carpenter Ant, probably pennsylvanicus). Caught after Nuptial flight in Ontario:
Queen with eggs $45.
Lasius sp. (probably Lasius americanus), Caught after Nuptial flight in Ontario.
Queen With eggs $30.
Tetramorium immigrans (pavement ant). Caught after Nuptial flight in Ontario.
Queen with eggs $30.
Aphaenogaster Caught after Nuptial flight in Ontario.
Queen with eggs $45.
Parasitic Formica Caught after Nuptial flight:
Queen with 10+ host workers $70
Myrmica sp. Probably "Myrmica incompleta (Incomplete Fire Ant)" Taken from colonys:
Queen with 6 workers and brood $20.
3 queens with 20 workers and brood $55

Attached Images

  • 20240813_1450271.jpg

Edited by EdmontonAntKeeper, August 19 2024 - 8:34 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: queen ants, ants for sale, edmonton ants, canada ants, ant farm, queens for sale, alberta ants, formica queen, camponotus queen

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