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Camponotus Castaneus

camponotus castaneus carpenterant camponotus

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#1 Offline CJsAntStuff - Posted August 4 2024 - 10:27 AM



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This is going to be a journal of my Camponotus Castaneus. Also called the Amber Sunrise Carpenter Anter as far as I know.

I bought her online and this is my first ant.

She is up to about 12 to 15 workers now.

Enjoy, and thanks for any advice.


4/10/24 = Arrival! Looks like she has about 8 eggs.

002 - 4.10.24.jpg


4/27/24 = More eggs.



5/10/24 = It looks like there are a couple of pupae and some larva,



5/25/24 = First worker! Also a couple more pupae and larva.



6/8/24 = 4 workers! It looks like there are a few more on the way.



6/10/24 = Day 60 in my care. 5 workers now. Open up the test tube and feed them their first honey/water. I also put them into a tubs & tubes set-up. Here is a pic of a couple of workers filling up.



7/9/24 = Saw the first worker out exploring.


7/13/24 = 7 workers.



7/28/24 = This is the set-up they are in.



8/3/24 = 2 workers sharing a drink.



8/3/24 = About 10 or 12 workers hanging out with the queen and the brood.



8/17/24 = I count about 14 workers and a piece of meal worm + a couple workers at the water tube.



Right now, I feed them twice a week. A little bit of honey/water and a meal worm.

They are dragging the meal worms into the queen's test tube, and then they drop the carcasses outside.

I'm thinking about attaching a small formicarium to their tub/tank and turning it into an outworld.








Edited by CJsAntStuff, August 18 2024 - 6:41 AM.

  • RushmoreAnts, Ernteameise, BleepingBleepers and 2 others like this

#2 Offline CJsAntStuff - Posted August 30 2024 - 3:48 PM



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Hey all. I'm going start a second installment here for my C Casteneus colony.


8/23/24 = The side mounted water tube is getting pretty popular. It's getting to the point now where the ants actually go out and do stuff.



8/25/24 = A look at the queen and brood. There's about 10 workers in there and a bunch of different stages of brood.



8/29/24 = I woke up this morning and it appears they all moved into the water tube. Their original test tube has been dry for a month or so.



Their original test tube was 10mm by 150 mm. I put a fresh test tube setup in there, but it was a 15mm by 150mm. They didn't seem to like that one. Didn't even hang out in there.

The water tube is 10mm by 100mm. They seem to like that one more.



  • Artisan_Ants, cooIboyJ and AntsTx like this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus castaneus, carpenterant, camponotus

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