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My new ant journal

solenopsis invicta fire ants

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12 replies to this topic

#1 Offline mudbeast66 - Posted March 18 2021 - 4:44 AM



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  • Species: Solenopsis invicta

I am new to ant keeping and have been watching lots of YouTube videos, especially from AntsCanada.com

Thru there website, I found and bought a live queen with a small brood and about 30 workers in a test tube. 

I am hoping to gain more knowledge from observing them and for the relaxation as well.

I have raised all sorts of animals, but ants is a first.

I am super excited for the journey ahead.

#2 Offline MsTesaAnt - Posted March 18 2021 - 6:36 AM


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Hi!   I'm also new to the hobby.  I learned a lot by reviewing videos and websites online.  Good luck!

#3 Offline 8NIN8 - Posted March 18 2021 - 6:59 AM



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Good luck! I’m also a newbie, although I had very simple ant farms as a child. Throughout my life, I’ve read a lot about ants and myrmecology, so that’s mostly the way I’ve learned. I look forward to hearing how it goes for both of you!

#4 Offline AleeGuy - Posted March 18 2021 - 9:52 AM


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  • Species: Solenopsis invicta

I am new to ant keeping and have been watching lots of YouTube videos, especially from AntsCanada.com

Thru there website, I found and bought a live queen with a small brood and about 30 workers in a test tube. 

I am hoping to gain more knowledge from observing them and for the relaxation as well.

I have raised all sorts of animals, but ants is a first.

I am super excited for the journey ahead.


Solenopsis Invicta is absolutely not a beginner species. They are invasive, which is why they grow absurdly fast, have pretty painful sting, and they are escape artists so if they escape(there is a good chance of it) it will be no good for your home and people who live in there especially if they have allergies and pets. I would not think of keeping them if I was you or even if I was an experienced keeper too (n) . That colony will get up to thousands in a few months so I would return them ASAP and instead get another species from GAN that is sold in your state if you are in United States.

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#5 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted March 18 2021 - 10:55 AM


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  • Species: Solenopsis invicta

I am new to ant keeping and have been watching lots of YouTube videos, especially from AntsCanada.com

Thru there website, I found and bought a live queen with a small brood and about 30 workers in a test tube. 

I am hoping to gain more knowledge from observing them and for the relaxation as well.

I have raised all sorts of animals, but ants is a first.

I am super excited for the journey ahead.


Solenopsis Invicta is absolutely not a beginner species. They are invasive, which is why they grow absurdly fast, have pretty painful sting, and they are escape artists so if they escape(there is a good chance of it) it will be no good for your home and people who live in there especially if they have allergies and pets. I would not think of keeping them if I was you or even if I was an experienced keeper too (n) . That colony will get up to thousands in a few months so I would return them ASAP and instead get another species from GAN that is sold in your state if you are in United States.


I agree with everything said here. I don't know why anyone would ever sell this species. They are contributing to the problem by spreading it across their state.

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#6 Offline SpaceX1193 - Posted March 18 2021 - 12:15 PM


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I’d get rid of that or kill it immediately. Invicta are invasive and will overwhelm even more experienced keepers in 4-8 months. I’d say if your looking for a good species to start with try Lasius, camponotus, or some other native species in your area. Pheidole are cool.
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#7 Offline SpaceX1193 - Posted March 18 2021 - 12:16 PM


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Also invicta is anything but relaxing. More of a pain in the [censored]. If you want relaxing try camponotus or even preno.

#8 Offline SpaceX1193 - Posted March 18 2021 - 12:17 PM


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Should also not lasius is fairly relaxing too but grows a bit faster.
*meant to say “should also add” not “should also not”

#9 Offline SpaceX1193 - Posted March 18 2021 - 12:20 PM


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Oh yeah also don’t buy ants Canada gear. It’s overpriced. Try tar heel ants. The nests are just as expensive but much higher quality and better material. For outworlds do DIY and you can DIY nests but it can be difficult. Also try watching some of ants Australia’s videos they are good too.

#10 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted March 18 2021 - 12:20 PM


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Should also not lasius is fairly relaxing too but grows a bit faster.
*meant to say “should also add” not “should also not”

You probably should have just edited your post instead of posting another 2 times.

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#11 Offline SpaceX1193 - Posted March 18 2021 - 2:53 PM


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Sorry I’m new to fc and just recently figured out how to edit

#12 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted March 18 2021 - 4:05 PM


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Sorry I’m new to fc and just recently figured out how to edit

Don't sweat it. At least you know now.  (y)

#13 Offline DDD101DDD - Posted March 18 2021 - 5:52 PM


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Just a disclaimer, I haven't kept invicta but I'm just going off what I've heard.


I feel like they'd be a good species for beginners mainly in the founding stage, due to their hardy attributes and fast growth rate it would let the keeper gain experience with the ants quickly. I think it's better for a beginner to mess up with a disposable invasive rather then a native species, and then the beginner could then move on to a better species after they decide they've gained enough experience, get bored, or overwhelmed(I'd encourage killing the colony if you stop wanting them). As long as you contain the ants in a responsible way I really don't see much of a problem. In the end, if you honestly believe keeping a colony like that is something you can do then I'd say you should try it, just keep them responsibly and don't be afraid to kill them if they start being a problem.

Edited by DDD101DDD, March 18 2021 - 5:53 PM.

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He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: solenopsis invicta, fire ants

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