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Prenolepis imparis founding

founding prenolepis prenolepis imparis

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3 replies to this topic

#1 Offline CreeperUniverse - Posted May 3 2020 - 7:11 AM



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Last year, I caught a bunch of Prenolepis imparis queens, most of which got sold.The 1 colony I kept had 3 queens together, and eventually died from their workers never foraging. I just caught 4 queens yesterday, and probably will find more today. I'm not planning on selling them this time (I want the best chance of actually getting a colony), so how many queens is optimal to keep together? I've heard 3-5, but also know that they can have more. How problematic does it become for them to manage their brood with more than 5 queens? Should I just stick with 3-5?

#2 Offline AntsExodus - Posted May 3 2020 - 4:51 PM


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If I where you 5 queens in a colony would be great cause then there would be a higher chance of them surviving and faster growth.

#3 Offline Ants4fun - Posted May 3 2020 - 8:24 PM


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I have found that with more than 3/5 queens they will scatter their eggs and not take care of their brood well.

#4 Offline cewtsoul - Posted July 5 2020 - 8:46 AM



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i have a 3 queen colony and they have all the eggs together. Also have had a 1 queen with 11 workers colony  for months then she finally laid eggs only to eat them a month later...most boring ants imo. They barely move or forage, then when  they have eggs or are in founding stage its "best" if you don't look at them lol....for months. Like i Said BORING ants.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: founding, prenolepis, prenolepis imparis

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