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18 Tetramorium immigrans queens available for NY!

tetramorium tetramorium immigrans queens colonies ants new york new york city ny nyc

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#1 Offline CreeperUniverse - Posted June 29 2019 - 9:37 AM



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  • LocationNYC

I have recently captured 18 Tetramorium immigrans that I am selling on my site. Right now they all appear to have no brood, but you can always send in a purchase inquiry to check if any queens at your preferred stage of development are available or to receive an email once your preferred option is available if none are currently. Pictures of specific queens can be requested through a purchase inquiry as well if you are planning on purchasing, or through the contact form if you are just interested.

Site: https://nyanting.wee.../live-ants.html

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tetramorium, tetramorium immigrans, queens, colonies, ants, new york, new york city, ny, nyc

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