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Connectimyrmex's Ant/Wasp adoption!

connectimyrmexs ant adoption

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#1 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted October 23 2017 - 1:40 PM


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Rather than selling a wide variety of insects, I decided to just sell ants and wasps. The species that I will probably sell include:
Vespula germanica/vulgaris

Vespula maculifrons

Polistes dominula
Polistes metricus

Polistes fuscatus
Bombus sp.

Lasius neoniger

Lasius umbratus

Lasius claviger

Lasius murphyi

Camponotus chromaiodes

Camponotus pennsylvanicus

Camponotus nearcticus

Myrmica sp.

Solenopsis molesta

Stigmatomma pallipes

Ponera pennsylvanica

Temnothorax curvispinosus

Temnothorax americanus

Myrmecina sp.

Tetramorium sp.e/ caespitum

Formica subseriscea/fusca

Formica pallidefulva


Of course, I don't have all of these.

My current inventory is actually quite small, but I'm hoping that it expands eventually. I'll add pictures when I get the chance.


Also, don't ask to purchase if you live outside of Connecticut!

Vespula germanica

I have two beautiful queens of this species available. I'm not 100% sure if they are fertile. Queen A seems fatter than Queen B. I also have a third queen of this species (Queen C). I'm probably not going to sell her, because she is way too calm and seems to have a wasp version of K-wing disease. I actually had to amputate her wings to stop her from injuring herself. Queen A costs $20 and Queen B costs $15. If you wish to purchase Queen C, let me know.


Lasius neoniger

I have one queen of this species available. She is 100% fertile (I caught her with a male glued to her abdomen). She has not started hibernation yet. I will sell her for $8.


Stigmatomma pallipes

I'm not really sure about if I should sell this colony. It has five workers and one queen. There are no eggs or larvae. Their preferred diet is termites, but hatchling geophilid centipedes will probably be accepted. If I do end up selling this colony, it will be for $40, because it took me quite some time to find and maintain this colony.


Formica subseriscea

I have one queen of this species available. She had pupae at one point, but she ate them for reasons unbeknownst to me. She will probably lay eggs again next spring. She's free to a good home.


NOTE: I will report any (private or public) illegal purchase requests.

Edited by Connectimyrmex, October 23 2017 - 3:01 PM.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#2 Offline Noman123 - Posted November 17 2018 - 3:29 AM



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Live in New York so I can’t buy but I work in CT would love to see some of your specimens if you ever want to show them off. This way if I attempt to catch my first queen next season in NY I’ll know what to look for.

#3 Offline dermy - Posted November 17 2018 - 7:36 AM


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Live in New York so I can’t buy but I work in CT would love to see some of your specimens if you ever want to show them off. This way if I attempt to catch my first queen next season in NY I’ll know what to look for.

Besides the point that this post is over a Year old, I'm not too sure wasp queens are something you'd want to buy. I used to be in the Wasp Keeping Hobby of sorts and most of even the expert people could never get a Vespula species to initiate a nest in captivity. I know of one person that did and even then the nest got usrupted [where a wild queen finds the nest and tries to take it over by killing the Original foundress, there are even species that specialize in such things]  so many times after releasing it that eventually the stress of other queens taking over the nest just killed it outright.



As for ant queens, always much preferred to go out and ant for your own. I'm sure lots of people on here will agree that there's nothing like going out and finding your own ants and starting them up from scratch. Teaches you the most important part of ant keeping that so many people miss, Patience, if you can't handle the month or so of waiting for first workers ants might not be the best hobby for you :D

Edited by dermy, November 17 2018 - 7:39 AM.

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#4 Offline FSTP - Posted November 17 2018 - 7:37 AM


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Live in New York so I can’t buy but I work in CT would love to see some of your specimens if you ever want to show them off. This way if I attempt to catch my first queen next season in NY I’ll know what to look for.



This thread is fairly old. You may want to PM the thread starter about it before you go necromancing threads.

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