Alza, I want to make few points addressing the pricing of colonies.
First of all, colonies being priced for $30 is quite a deal in my mind considering last year I was selling colonies for $100+ each (and even a select few this year). Depending on the species and how coveted they are can increase or decrease the price. Yes, serious ant keepers looking for specific colonies are willing to pay those prices because they ARE worth it. They are worth it because sometimes people can spend years looking for a specific species without success of raising them. I know because I have been trying and trying with Crematogasters (my favorite) for a long time now and during the time, I would have paid a hefty amount just for one colony.
Second, the time and effort most people take to find queens doesn't generally compare to Drew's commitment. I find my queens in my local neighborhood which is fine for me and it does help that my boyfriend is interested and keeps his eyes peeled for me too. Drew goes out to the boonies of nowhere for hours on end. He spends how much on gas and maintenance just to get to these places to find these specific ant species. That requires a lot of dedication for just a hobby. His return on selling a colony is minimal at best and most certainly barely (if at all) covers his expenses just to get there. You forget that just because you go out there and spend the time and the money doesn't mean you're guaranteed on finding any queens at all. Often times he will probably come home empty handed. That's a lot of money and time to spend on coming home empty handed.
Thirdly, you don't take into account the many queens that don't make it through the founding process. It should come as no shock that no matter how many queens we find, many will not survive. Add that to the expenses that Drew pays just to go looking for them.
Fourthly, the prices Drew has listed are probably some of the cheapest I've ever seen for ants and that's global. I'm talking everywhere around the world that sells ants, Germany's Antstore, GAN in different regions, etc. I don't even sell ants for as cheap as his go for, mostly because I don't have the stock to and most of the colonies I sell I don't necessarily want to sell but I still want to make available for the public that is desperate to get into the hobby but unable to find their own queens. Just recently I was looking into getting a Crematogaster queen for $150 from a friend.
If you think his prices are "not worth it", simply don't buy them. Go find your own queens as every GAN farmer will encourage you to do. We didn't get into the ant trade to steal your money or overprice things or scam you. There really is no money to be made in this business. We do it to spread the hobby to those who do not have the means or knowledge to find their own colony and queen. The price is mostly to cover our own expenses and resources invested in caring and finding them. If we have a few extra colonies, we put them on the market so that other people might participate as well.
It's just very irritating being told that the prices we list these colonies are "not worth it". If they're not worth it to you, walk away. Simple. The way I see it, clearly if there are many people still willing to buy it at that price, they must be worth it.