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2 replies to this topic

#1 Offline DaveJay - Posted July 1 2018 - 10:14 PM


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I've been reading for a while now and became a member so I thought it was time to say g'day to you all.

I'm 48, married and live in South Australia.

I've been keeping scorpions for a few years now and in February I started keeping Tarantulas. In one of the forums a young Australian bloke was showing pictures of his ants and I thought his set-up looked pretty cool.

Just out of casual interest I read some basic info and watched a few videos, I had no intention of keeping ants at the time but I like to research various subjects as they come along, I'm an avid reader with a thirst for knowledge. 

A month or so ago I was sitting outside of a hospital in the city and a lone ant crossed the path in front of me so I took a closer look, going by what I'd read I concluded that it was a queen ant so I caught it in the empty paper coffee cup I was holding, folded the top and took it home.

I had a small enclosure set up with just a compressed substrate mix in it so I put it in there to take some pictures and maybe get an I.D.

The ant now has a small bunch of eggs or larvae so I am now an Ant Keeper!

I've always kept a variety of animals my whole life but an ant colony is one thing I've never kept, even as a kid when I considered that anything I could catch was fair game for my private "zoo".

So reading threads in this forum has been very informative and entertaining for me, I thought I'd join and share my experiences and of course benefit from the experience of the members here.

I look forward to meeting you all!



Oh, and J is my middle initial so I usually use that as a username on forums, it stops my name coming up in searches, you only need to view my pictures to see my real last name. :)

Edited by DaveJay, July 1 2018 - 10:18 PM.

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#2 Offline Gabraime - Posted July 1 2018 - 10:20 PM


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Welcome! Keep us update with that queen! That queen looks beautiful.
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#3 Offline DaveJay - Posted July 2 2018 - 1:26 AM


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Thanks, I'll upload more pictures soon.

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