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Small Queen Ant ID Request

queen ant black white stripes small new mexico albuquerque white hair

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#1 Offline MMyokan - Posted July 6 2018 - 10:36 AM



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I got this queen ant a while ago in my front yard. It now has some larvae so I know it is fertilized, I had doubted that it was a queen from its small size.

1. Found in Albuquerque New Mexico (United States)

2. 7/6/18



1. I found this one in my garden in the front of my house, in Albuquerque New Mexico. 

2. Found it between 6/10/18 - 6/12/18

3. It was in a dry area, Albuquerque is classified as a desert

4. It measures about 7 millimeters

5. This ant is dark black except for the gaster, the gaster has white stripes. White hair on gaster

6. The ant is too small to count any segments or petiole nodes. The ant queen is smaller than other queens I have seen

That is all the information I have.


Here are the pictures:

(Non magnified) https://ibb.co/bK4SMd

(Magnified) https://ibb.co/kBiXnJ 

(Magnified) https://ibb.co/mg8bEy

(Magnified) https://ibb.co/erUNnJ

Larvae are present in each photo

#2 Offline LC3 - Posted July 6 2018 - 10:44 AM


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Dorymyrmex bicolor

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#3 Offline MMyokan - Posted July 6 2018 - 12:38 PM



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Dorymyrmex bicolor makes sense but the coloration of the ant queen is black not the brown color that other Dorymyrmex bicolor ants show. Is this identification still correct?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: queen, ant, black, white stripes, small, new mexico, albuquerque, white hair

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