This blog post was made solely to observe ants in their natural habitat and for behavioral observations. Feel free to share your own findings.
Land structure: Dry,Sandy,Debris
Found: 04/01/17, 3pm
Species: Solenopsis Invicta
There were quite a few fire ants moving about the area so I'd say the colony was a few months old. It was the only one I found in the area but I also saw Paratrechina Longicornis close to this nest. So far I've counted about 5 colonies both Solenopsis and Paratrechina Longicornis in this area. They seem to be domnating this area and it's not surprising there are no other species around. It could be a possible place to look for alates in the nuptial flight season considering its open and the amount of colonies residing here.
Notice an ant in the middle picture, bottom left corner
More posts coming soon
Edited by antgenius123, January 28 2017 - 11:45 PM.