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Newly collected queen and cotton ball tearing

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#1 Offline noebl1 - Posted May 13 2016 - 3:52 PM


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Found two Camponotus Myrmentoma subgenus of some kind (http://www.formicult...sachusetts-usa/) last night flying.  One I let go tonight as hadn't dropped wings, and spent the entire night/day tearing apart the cotton swab to get out.  When I let her out, she flew off... so either hadn't actually mated yet or seriously hated her conditions.


The second one removed it's wings last night in the temp test tube before I moved it into this one.  I noticed today it had been tearing at the cotton swab as well as you can see in the lower pic (though no where nearly as bad as the first one).  Hard to see from the pic, but there is water wicking around the sides of the cotton swab for sure, so water should be accessible.  Anything to be concerned about or semi-normal for a newly caught queen?   The test tube too small? I can go up a size easily. 






#2 Offline NightsWebs - Posted May 13 2016 - 7:17 PM


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Nope nothing to worry about honestly.  The best thing is putting them in a dark warm place and be patient with them. They queens will calm down and hopefully start laying eggs.

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Current Colonies;

Acromyrmex Versicolor

Dorymyrmex Bicolor

Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus

Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus


Last Update: 08 Jul 2016



#3 Offline noebl1 - Posted May 14 2016 - 12:03 PM


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Thank you!

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