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Camponotus sayi Nuptial Flight?

camponotus sayi nuptial flight texas

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#1 Offline AntsTx - Posted September 2 2024 - 5:05 PM


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I was going hunting for colonies of Camponotus the other day and I found a Camponotus sayi colony's alates looking like they were ready to have their nuptial flight. I was wondering if this is normal for C. sayi to have their nuptial flight in September. It looked like the alates were not new and their exoskeleton was hardened so I assume they are around 1-2 months old. The workers were also swarming.

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Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus x2                                             Pheidole obtusospinosa - Pupae

Camponotus vicinus - 15-20 workers                         Solenopsis xyloni x7 - Batch of eggs

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 75-85 workers           Pheidole lamia - Batch of eggs

Crematogaster lineolata x4 - 40-50 workers

Dorymyrmex bureni - 3 workers

Solenopsis invicta - 10000-15000 workers

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis x2


#2 Offline mbullock42086 - Posted September 2 2024 - 6:23 PM


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there are generally two major Camponotus flights per year.  one in early summer, and the second in fall.  

all my alates were found as high pressure strengthened following storms

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, sayi, nuptial flight, texas

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