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Any fruit / vegetable to avoid giving to ants?

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#1 Offline BleepingBleepers - Posted July 22 2023 - 11:05 AM


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I tend to experiment and let my ants try a few things. I'm guessing that's how we formed the list found in the PREFERRED FOODS thread.

Today I tried kiwii fruit. Saw one ant having a death match with it while his coworker ant ( :D  ) was licking it a bit.


For me, I'm more interested on info for carpenter ants and honeypot ants. But if you can have other ants you have in mind, feel free to add, might become useful.


I also tend to give them the meaty inside and avoid the skin for fear of pesticides.


So yeah, any fruits or vegies to avoid feeding to them that cause them issues?

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#2 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 22 2023 - 12:02 PM


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On top of my head I would maybe be careful with the insides of papaya since the seed are used as a natural dewormer... might have some impact on ants?
But not sure.
Anybody has any experience with feeding papaya to ants?

Otherwise, I try to only offer organic fruit.
Mine like apple, cherry, strawberry, melon.

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