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Food exchange in Manica colonies

manica rubida food

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#1 Offline Pogomatt - Posted October 15 2022 - 3:55 PM



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My colony of Manica rubida is doing ok since founding a few months back with 15 workers and loads of brood. The larvae feed themselves and I’ve not noticed adults engaging in trophallaxis, so I’m wondering if anyone knows how the queen is getting food? I just noticed her going outside the nest to drink honey water - surely queens stop foraging in mature colonies?
Camponotus cruentatus, fedtschenkoi, foreli, maculatus, micans, nicobarensis
Formica cinerea
Lasius flavus, niger
Manica rubida x2
Messor barbatus (bicolour), barbatus (red head), bouvieri, capitatus, minor, orientalis, wasmanni
Odontoponera transversa

#2 Offline AntaholicAnonymous - Posted October 19 2022 - 4:11 AM


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I had the same with my manica queen.
The workers will and probably already do feed her.
In smaller colonies the queen seems to stay active in foraging longer than you'd expect but she will quit that pretty soon as they grow. No need to worry this is normal behavior for them.
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#3 Offline Pogomatt - Posted October 22 2022 - 11:21 PM



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Thanks, so many people struggle to get them past the foundation stage, I was just concerned that my queen looks a lot slimmer than normal...

Btw, have you seen trophallaxis in Manica?
Camponotus cruentatus, fedtschenkoi, foreli, maculatus, micans, nicobarensis
Formica cinerea
Lasius flavus, niger
Manica rubida x2
Messor barbatus (bicolour), barbatus (red head), bouvieri, capitatus, minor, orientalis, wasmanni
Odontoponera transversa

#4 Offline ReignofRage - Posted October 22 2022 - 11:25 PM


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I have seen tropholaxsis in my colonies before. I also have had a 100% success rate with quite an easy time getting that founding rate.

#5 Offline AntaholicAnonymous - Posted October 24 2022 - 4:00 AM


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I also see trophallaxis on a daily basis.
My colony is about 3,5 years old I think and a couple hundred strong.
If you got the basics figured out and let them do their thing they're most likely gonna make it.

I'd make sure they have consistent access to sugar water and if you can fruit flies.
Fruit flies were perfect for them early on. I feed them mostly chicken and fish nowadays.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: manica, rubida, food

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