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Need help with Camponotus vicinus

camponotus camponotus vicinus

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#1 Offline EthanNgo678 - Posted August 11 2022 - 1:03 PM


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Hi, I currently own a colony of Camponotus vicinus with around 20-40 workers. I've never had much luck with Camponotus and this colony has started to go downhill, I'm here to ask for advice on what I need to do to help them thrive. They have started to lose workers at an alarming rate. At least one-two workers dying every 3-5 days. They are no longer accepting foods and I've given them a plethora of options. I recently brood boosted them and indecently gave them alate pupa, which are now taking up resources. Yesterday I also noticed that this colony has an infestation of grain mites. They have never negatively impacted my other colonies but at this point, I'm just trying to consider all factors. I've used all tools at my disposal (that I know of) and any help is much appreciated. Thank you

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#2 Offline Dan_Not_Found - Posted August 13 2022 - 8:38 PM


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I haven't had grain mites so take what I say with a grain of salt..

From what I've read and heard, grain mites aren't directly harmful to ants but if there are too many, they can negatively impact them. You can try to move them to a separate setup such as a tubs and tubes.

I would also recommend removing the alate. Normally, if there is something that I don't want in my colony's nest, I will just directly remove it. If there are too many ants to do this comfortably, you can refridgerate them for a few minutes (i usually keep them in for 5-10 minutes) but this also depends on where they were from, so how long you should keep them in the fridge may vary. 

Hope I can help!

Currently Keeping:

Camponotus US-CA02

Myrmecocystus Navajo



Pogonomyrmex Imberbiculus (PLEASEEEEE)

#3 Offline FinWins - Posted August 13 2022 - 9:06 PM


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Are you give them enough sugars? My Camponotus LOVE sugars, even when they refuse protein they still accept honey on a Q tip. If lots of workers are dyeing it may be that, that batch/generation of workers reaching the end of their lives.

I keep: C. modoc, C. sansabeanus  :D, C. maritimus, Formica argentea, M. mexicanus  :D, Odontomachus brunneus :D, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, 


#4 Offline EthanNgo678 - Posted August 14 2022 - 10:01 AM


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I haven't had grain mites so take what I say with a grain of salt..

From what I've read and heard, grain mites aren't directly harmful to ants but if there are too many, they can negatively impact them. You can try to move them to a separate setup such as a tubs and tubes.

I would also recommend removing the alate. Normally, if there is something that I don't want in my colony's nest, I will just directly remove it. If there are too many ants to do this comfortably, you can refridgerate them for a few minutes (i usually keep them in for 5-10 minutes) but this also depends on where they were from, so how long you should keep them in the fridge may vary. 

Hope I can help!

I am currently trying to move the colony to a tubs and tubes setup, but convincing them to move has proven quite difficult. Right now, I don't feel comfortable to remove the alates as there are a quite a few and as they are in a formicarium.

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#5 Offline EthanNgo678 - Posted August 14 2022 - 10:02 AM


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Are you give them enough sugars? My Camponotus LOVE sugars, even when they refuse protein they still accept honey on a Q tip. If lots of workers are dyeing it may be that, that batch/generation of workers reaching the end of their lives.

Yes I am. They have a constant feeder and I have seen the workers drinking from it a few times over the last few days, which is a good sign.  And that is what I am hoping. 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, camponotus vicinus

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