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If I was to take a wild guess I’d say Myrmecia pyriformis or Myrmecia forficata. Definitely a queen though.
Super lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
Super lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
Stigmatomma and Myrmecia are not trap jaw ants. They are dracula ants and bull ants respectively. Odontomachus and Anochetus are the most commonly referred to genera when talking about trap-jaw ants. They are called trap-jaw ants because of how fast their mandibles close and how they are locked in place and then triggered when something touches these hairs on them. This is why using common names sucks lol.
Edited by Kaelwizard, April 27 2021 - 5:38 AM.
Super lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
Stigmatomma and Myrmecia are not trap jaw ants. They are dracula ants and bull ants respectively. Odontomachus and Anochetus are the most commonly referred to genera when talking about trap-jaw ants. They are called trap-jaw ants because of how fast their mandibles close and how they are locked in place and then triggered when something touches these hairs on them. This is why using common names sucks lol.
Haha, yeah. Thanks for the correction, I say just force everyone to use scientific names lol. I forgot Stigmatomma was dracula, I only knew Myrmecia from AntsAustralia ngl.
Should I keep her?
I’ve always wanted a big’un.
If you think you are able to take care of her adequetly, go for it ( note: this is not advice but words of encouragment/disencouragment [ depending on interpretation and abilities of the finder ], I cannot offer any advice on Myrmecia ).
Edited by NPLT, April 27 2021 - 7:34 AM.
Sure, why not keep her. Here is a tutorial on this genus. https://www.youtube....h?v=1weZJqEalN8
Should I keep her?
I’ve always wanted a big’un.If you think you are able to take care of her adequetly, go for it ( note: this is not advice but words of encouragment/disencouragment [ depending on interpretation and abilities of the finder ], I cannot offer any advice on Myrmecia ).
You don't have to explain what you mean. I hope you don't feel like you have to explain everything you say.
Should I keep her?
I’ve always wanted a big’un.If you think you are able to take care of her adequetly, go for it ( note: this is not advice but words of encouragment/disencouragment [ depending on interpretation and abilities of the finder ], I cannot offer any advice on Myrmecia ).
You don't have to explain what you mean. I hope you don't feel like you have to explain everything you say.
No I don't feel I have to explain everything, but I wanted to be extra sure this time.
Should I keep her?
I’ve always wanted a big’un.
Yes, you should keep her. Just beware, that's Myrmecia your dealing with. We've all heard about how crazy powerful their sting is, so definitely be careful when doing anything with her. She's also semi-claustral, so you will have to feed her. I'm not a Myrmecia expert, but honey seems to be the food of choice with queens like this. Occasionally add in protein like mealworms or grasshoppers (earwigs are gone in seconds with my semi-claustral queens, they LOVE them.) keep this in mind if this queen happens to be fertile, and if you catch any other myrmecia queens in general. I live in the US, so no Myrmecia here, but have always been some of my favorite species nonetheless!
Edited by PetsNotPests, May 12 2021 - 4:55 PM.
Ants are Pets, not Pests.
-Camponotus sansabeanus
-Camponotus US-CA02
-Camponotus vicinus
-Formica podzolica
-Monomorium spp.
-Pogonomyrmex californicus
-Solenopsis spp.
one thing you can do is a simple tubs and tubes, but wrap tin foil or black tape around the outside walls of the container (other than the lid), then just feed her and let her get accustomned to noise and vibrations.
I suggest 1 cricket every 3 days or so, with constant honey supply
Good to know she'll need insects — I've been giving her honey.
She hasn't dropped her wings, although I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. The tub she's in has a little hatch at the top that I can hopefully drop bug through without disturbing her too much.
Also substrate, give the queen some substrate
She has sand?
am i lucky to have odontomachus here? When will they flySuper lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
am i lucky to have odontomachus here? When will they flySuper lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
This post is 6 months old.
Also here is a link to them.
Favourite Genus: Polyrhachis
Instagram: australian_polyrhachis
May God Bless you.
am i lucky to have odontomachus here? When will they flySuper lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
This post is 6 months old.
Also here is a link to them.https://www.antwiki....ki/Odontomachus
This, also don't want to say too much because necroposting, but, I just consider it lucky because, as it is known, Massachusetts doesn't have the best biodiversity
am i lucky to have odontomachus here? When will they flySuper lucky!
I've always wanted trap-jaws (not so much get bitten by one). I would definitely keep her! The only trap-jaws here is Stigmatomma or something, which are tiny lol. Just by looking at her I'm pretty sure she's semi-claustral, so make she get's fed.
Necropost and you are very lucky to have odnotomachus there
Edited by Antkeeper01, December 17 2021 - 1:39 PM.
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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She still has her wings. I feel bad for her.
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