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Ant Citizen Science?

science citizen science scientists

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#1 Offline lsilverwoman - Posted November 28 2020 - 2:14 PM



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Have you ever shared ant discoveries or ant knowledge with scientists? Are there ways to do that?
I've heard that ant keepers discover new species and often know more about keeping certain ants than many entomologists. Are there any ways to collaborate? Or interest? 


#2 Offline ponerinecat - Posted November 28 2020 - 4:40 PM


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Have you ever shared ant discoveries or ant knowledge with scientists? Are there ways to do that?
I've heard that ant keepers discover new species and often know more about keeping certain ants than many entomologists. Are there any ways to collaborate? Or interest? 

Yes to all of those. Considering how obscure ant documentation can be and how poorly behavior is known in many species, hobbyists and citizens can contribute a lot. There are websites like Inaturalist to document life and get into contact with experts, and you can build up working relationships from there. You can also do some browsing for knowledge gaps and start a little research project trying to fill in one of those gaps. Share your results and methods online, and you could get to work with/help out the scientific community.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: science, citizen science, scientists

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