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Molds grown on dead ants

mold lasius neglectus dead

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#1 Offline Bonnes - Posted August 19 2019 - 6:18 AM



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Hi everyone :)

So I have these Lasius Neglectus ants that died. I kept them for observation and 2 (so far) developed a fungus that was not aspergillus.


One of them started out as a white, cobweb kinda thing around the head and legs. The rest of the ant was covered in some kind of fluid. Now (about a week later) it has covered the entire ant and outgrew it. 


I tried googeling it but right now as soon as you googel ant and fungus only these zombie ant stories show up so I didn't find anything. Does anyone know what kind of fungus this could be?


(I don't know how to resize the images on here, if someone could tell me that would be appreciated, for now I´m sorry about the huge size :D)
Heres the Link to where I posted the fotos, may be nicer to look at them there :)





Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mold, lasius neglectus, dead

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