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Vinyl tubing connectors

formicarium vinyl tube vinyl tubing

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#1 Offline Boog - Posted July 16 2019 - 11:03 PM


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How do antkeepers feel about vinyl tubing? Great for expansion or a hassle to deal with? I'm currently about to expand my 200+ worker C. Pennsylvanicus colony's formicarium and am using vinyl tubing for now. I've got one grout nest and one outworld. I've planned ahead for tubing expansion and have been using AntsCanada's connectors because they're clear and fit 1/2 inch tubing, wide enough for larger ants like Camponotus. I've ordered their new Valve Connectors and have been using them for over a week and they've already been helpful in cutting off access from the nest and out world to clean. I just wanted to share how helpful these Valves Connectors are since I know we can have issues with disconnecting and moving around our formicariums and these help with easily closing access to certain areas and for future expansions. The only issue is that they're about 3 inches long and do take up some space in the nooks and crannies of my ant shelf with several of them. Also, I'd need to observe them with smaller ants before I'd be comfortable using them for a smaller species.


I'm sharing because I thought these were very helpful. Here's a link to them to see, they fit 1/2 and 3/8 inch tubing, the male connector is an AC size so I'm using those the least: https://www.antscana...r-femalefemale/


Also, should I worry about them chewing through vinyl tubing if it starts to become a big part of their habitat? I read here that some have dealt with this, I hope it's not too common.

Edited by Boog, July 16 2019 - 11:05 PM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: formicarium, vinyl tube, vinyl tubing

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