I was looking there after dusk with a torch to see if A.longiceps were flying, they were not... and was walking back up a ramped road at the back of the football field on the edge of bushland, and saw a winged termite alate on the road.
So I put the torch down to try and capture her, which is hard!
I had to use a sheet of small paper to do it in the end. And more arrived both winged and unwinged, attracted by the torch I guess.
Lots of Camponotus were running around as well, nigriceps and consobrinus, plus Polyrhachis

Wasn't sure which are queens or kings so collected 8 and hope they tandem run when put in a large container
So these appear to be a Heterotermes cf brevicatena species.
I see some pairing, but it's hard to get a container that they can run in, without letting them escape, they slip on plastic etc.
In the end I just put some wet tissue at the bottom of a glass petri dish
Paired couple, female looks so similar to the male
click to enlarge

2 Paired up immediately which I put in a test tube based all wet cotton setup. They have been digging and munching on the cotton already extending the starting chamber I made them.

Of the 5 remaining 1 male died which I fed to my R.metallica queen, then another was fed to one of my Pheidole colonies... they ripped it's head off instantly.. I think the Major did it!

So the remaining 3 - 1 queen and 2 kings went into a wet toilet paper test tube setup, and they too have tunneled a little. I don't know what dynamic having 2 kings will have...

But whenever I see the queen move one male tries to tandem run with her while the other one goes crazy and they all run around a bit and then settle, and remain static for long periods

Edited by CoolColJ, October 26 2018 - 4:19 AM.