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Nuptial Flight in Sydney Australia

sydney australia queen nuptial flight

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#1 Offline antaioli - Posted September 12 2017 - 12:16 AM


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I witnessed my first nuptial flight today! 12th September 2017 in Sydney, Australia. About 1-2pm, first hot day in a while 30 degrees, moderately windy 30-40% humidity. There is rain forecast tomorrow, first time in a few weeks.

There was a swarm of flying alates at a particular corner outside my house. I watched as the males frantically rushed to mate with the queens. It was amazing to see! I think every queen was mating with a male right before I captured them, I was just waiting for them to finish up. They also seemed to come in waves, might be due to the wind?

The queens were a bit larger than the males (queens 5mm males 4mm). Queens have yellow gasters whereas males are all black. I caught 7 queens but I think one is already dead :/

Anyway does anyone know the species of ant? I'm new to identification. 

Album: http://imgur.com/a/0oP6f





#2 Offline antaioli - Posted September 15 2017 - 7:07 PM


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I've had Pheidole and Monomorium suggested.

I found a very similar looking Monomorium Sydneyense queen in this photo online:


Edited by antaioli, September 17 2017 - 10:04 PM.

#3 Offline antaioli - Posted September 17 2017 - 10:02 PM


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Just saw some more queens of the same species flying today. Same spot next to house and on verandah tiles. About 2pm, 28 degrees c, 25% humidity, 14km/h wind.

I probably only saw the end of it, or it was just a smaller flight in general.

Caught 3 queens today.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sydney, australia, queen, nuptial, flight

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