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Living with Camponotus Hyatti (Carpenter ants)

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#41 Offline Miketheawesome - Posted January 7 2021 - 5:54 PM


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January 07 2021

    And I’m back what’s up guys!! I took queen Sheila and her crew out of hibernation last week. I didn’t post anything cause not much happened, tried feeding them some cricket legs and honey but they weren’t really interested in it at all. So I decided I’ll wait a week and try again and I did. Same thing I fed them honey and cricket legs it took them awhile but one worker decided to check out the food I put out and then she went back told the other and they started to eat the cricket legs and sharing with the rest. 
    I also spotted some good looking eggs which is why I gave them so much protein. I was able to take some good looking pictures of them. 

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  • Karma, Kaelwizard and Amazant like this

Camponotus Hyatti

1 Queen

6 Nanitics 

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