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ANTING ROAD TRIP (Southern California)

anting ants roadtrip road trip socal california southern losangeles la

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#1 Offline ItsMySalsa - Posted January 18 2017 - 6:05 PM



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Hey all! Nuptial flights for desert species in California is approaching. I am hoping someone would like to join me on an trip to a nearby desert (still up for suggestions which one) to search for ant queens. I am doing this to meet other fellow myrmecology enthusiasts in my area, as well as learning from them. I am very interested in species such as Myrmecocystus, Pheidole, and maybe Pogonomyrmex. I especially want Myrmecocystus queens. Please message me for further information if you are interested, and we could plan something out since I still have very little details since this will take place in over a week when the rains cease. 

Thank you for your time! Happy anting!

Best regards, 


#2 Offline Gabraime - Posted January 30 2017 - 1:26 AM


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Nice I live in San Diego California , mm l'm looking for a harverter ant queen if you found one letame know
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#3 Offline Artazus - Posted February 27 2017 - 8:17 PM



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Hello, I'd be interested. I live in the Cerritos area. I'm also interested in Myrmecocystus queens.

#4 Offline soulsynapse - Posted February 27 2017 - 8:24 PM


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send a pm, I'm interested in joining up

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#5 Offline soulsynapse - Posted February 27 2017 - 8:34 PM


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i got necro posted hard

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#6 Offline antsRcool - Posted March 1 2017 - 7:00 PM



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Nice I live in San Diego California , mm l'm looking for a harverter ant queen if you found one letame know

Do you have any gueens now

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: anting, ants, roadtrip, road, trip, socal, california, southern, losangeles, la

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