This journal will document the progress of my Pheidole ceres colony.
This colony was reared from a single queen, collected on the evening of July 14, 2013 from the sidewalk across the street from my house (Fort Collins, Colorado). As I recall, there had been no rain for several days beforehand. There were small numbers of P. ceres queens alighting on the same short patch of pavement. Many still had males attached and I observed several chewing on the males' abdomens, presumably to pull them off. I collected one of the dealate queens from that spot and placed her in a traditional test tube setup. Her first workers eclosed on August 9, 2013.
Here is a photograph of the young colony in their test tube on December 31, 2013 (I didn't really hibernate them over the winter). They already had two major workers by this point.

Edited by dspdrew, July 20 2014 - 5:45 PM.