Noticed my cats following something around and it was this!! Is this a trap jaw ant??? I didn't think we had them in Florida. This thing is scary looking..
Noticed my cats following something around and it was this!! Is this a trap jaw ant??? I didn't think we had them in Florida. This thing is scary looking..
Yes that's a trap jaw queen, but I can't tell you which species specifically. Nice find!
Yes that's a trap jaw queen, but I can't tell you which species specifically. Nice find!
Thanks! Can't wait to see if she starts laying eggs!
They are semi-claustral for your information by the way.
They are semi-claustral for your information by the way.
Good to know! Thanks!
Odontomachus sp. queen.
They have a very painful sting, so be careful!
Odontomachus sp. queen.
They have a very painful sting, so be careful!
I can only imagine! I did my very best not getting anywhere close to her when I captured her. Thank goodness I got the long tubes! lol
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