From your 29/9 post:
1. Polyrhachis ammon
2. Rhytidoponera sp.
3. Crematogaster sp.
6. Iridomyrmex purpureus
Happy anting 
Thank you! And thank you to everyone watching this thread 
3 October 2017
Bushland near my house.
These were with my phone so not amazing quality.
#1 I believe this is a meat ant nest. I can remember this nest being here as far back as 14-15 years.

#2 nest entrance

#3 9mm worker

#4 11mm worker

#5 there was a fight happening between some meat ants and this much smaller species. Looked like the small guys were winning.

#6 Termites ~4mm workers

#7 and #8 This is a new species to me, really nice gold on them! 2-3mm

#9 11-12mm

#10 #11 This was the first really big species of the day 16-17mm

#12 #13 #14 These girls were scary to be around. Very aware I was there. Around 20-25mm!

#15 This is one area I was in. Definitely a fire recently and the reason for the blackened ground.