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Mineral oil ant barrier


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#1 Online TwistyPunch - Posted Today, 5:49 PM



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I'm wondering if I can use a thin layer of mineral oil as an effective barrier for my Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony. I've heard that fluon is one of the best barriers, but it looks kinda messy and it's a little too expensive for me at the moment. I would use olive oil but I've heard that it isn't always effective and some ants will eat it. I have a large supply of mineral oil, and I saw somewhere that some ants won't even want to go near it. My Outworld is made out of smooth acrylic, so I'm guessing that even if an adventurous ant got past it, it feet would be coated with oil and it would fall of the smooth surface. Has anyone tried it out? Thanks!

Edited by TwistyPunch, Today, 6:13 PM.

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