I have kept Formica before (last year) but they died because every worker had a ridiculously short lifespan and all died out :facepalm:and the queen did not want to lay eggs or eat resulting in her dying but all that has changed and I decided to make a polygynous colony because a lot of the MASSIVE colonies have 2 queens and the polygynous success rate is way higher than any other ant in my area. It all started around 1 month ago or a bit more? Where I caught the queens together running around (and I had caught some lasius around 2 weeks ago) and after I caught them they were laying eggs 2 days later, it felt like a blink but they had larva at the final stage while the lasius were still growing their larva. A couple more days passed and I had pupa! I did some research and found out that the pupa take up to 5 days - 2 weeks to enclose from pupa to worker. (is that true?) I also have a question about Formica being "slightly polymorphic"
please enlighten me about what are the changes between the workers and the ones that are "slightly polymorphic.
here is them now with a lot of pupa and 1 larva that has not spun a cocoon
here is them before when the first few larva were spinning cocoons and with larva of all sizes
Edited by OwlThatLikesAnts, September 27 2024 - 1:46 PM.