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Is garage Queen rearing safe?

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#1 Offline DEEDEEDEE - Posted June 13 2024 - 5:08 PM



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I just caught 7 queens yesterday of Camp pennsylvanicus But I was wondering if I could keep them in a dark cardboard box in my garage until they get workers. is it safe enough or is it just not a risk to take.

#2 Offline Stubyvast - Posted June 13 2024 - 5:33 PM


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It really depends. If you live in a warm climate, then you need to be sure that there's an even temperature throughout the nest. On the flip side, if you live in a colder climate, you need to keep it warmer. A garage does have the advantage that If your ants require hibernation, the natural temperature of the outdoors during winter will allow them to hibernate really easily. 

You also have to make sure there's no vibrations, such as car noises, drilling, or other things like that. This could disturb your colony and be quite counter productive. However, keeping them in the garage is a really great idea if you don't have space elsewhere (or are not allowed to keep them elsewhere, haha) and want them relatively undisturbed. So long as you keep the above things in mind, it should be good!

Edited by Stubyvast, June 13 2024 - 5:33 PM.

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Currently raising: 

Myrmica rubra (1 queen +  ~5 workers)

Lasius niger (single queen + ~90+ workers)

Lasius neoniger (3 single queen + brood)

Formica spp. (Queen [likely parasitic, needs brood])

Formica pacifica (Queen)

Also keeping a friend's tetramorium immigrans for the foreseeable future. Thanks CoffeBlock!

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted June 14 2024 - 12:35 AM


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I used to do it. I wouldn't if cars are going in and out regularly.
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