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Double Journal: Campontous vicinus & modoc (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT)

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#1 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 5 2024 - 6:55 PM


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My first ever ant journal! I'm very excited! Sadly, I don't have any records of the freshly caught queens, because I wasn't a member of this amazing website, so my queens are about 3 weeks into keeping. I have attempted to keep camponotus in the past, but failed, I was new to antkeeping that time(I didn't know what a test tube setup was and put the queen straight into an ant nest I bought from amazon). I really hope I can succeed this time.


So, to provide a bit of context, I caught my modoc literally at my doorstep, and the vicinus was later given to me by my friend stubyvast. I immediatly put them in a test tube setup, and they both laid eggs the very next day! Right now, they both have a healthy amount of larvae and eggs. Around 10-12 each. And the brood is developing rather quickly, whenever I check on them, they double in size! I decided to call the modoc Antoinette, and vicinus Vin(from the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. Any fans out there?) They both have different personalities, Antoinette is more shy and paranoid, as she panics at the slightest vibration, but Vin does not care! Unless I seriously disturb her, she keeps her cool. 


I'll upload every week or two, unless something interesting comes up. 

Here are some photos:










Edit: just changed a typo on my title

Edit no.2: Nevermind, it's Vin who's shy, not Antoinette. Antoinette wouldn't want people getting the wrong impression ;)

Edited by IdioticMouse26, July 5 2024 - 9:34 PM.

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#2 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 10 2024 - 4:10 PM


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Woohoo! Exciting news! One of Antoinette's larvae spun a cocoon! I'm so happy that there's already a cocoon! It's a little fast, I think. Usually Campontus taks 6-12 weeks from egg to adult, mine only took a month or so.

Anyway, Vin's also doing great, her larvae got much bigger and I exepect cocoons soon. I think she's taking longer not only because she started a little late, vicinus are slightly bigger than modocs.





(You can see the cocoon at lower right beside Antoinette's head)








Will update once the worker emerges.

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#3 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 13 2024 - 7:03 PM


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Just a small update: Antoinette has four cocoons now! Exciting! I unfortunatly don't have any pictures because I only glanced her when I was feeding my myrmica rubra(I keep them on the same cabinet), and didn't want to disturbe her. 

Like I said above, I'll update once the first worker emerges.

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#4 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 25 2024 - 4:28 PM


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It's been a while since I updated this journal. 
Both my queens are doing great! The pupae is just taking a looooong time to develop. The good news is, there is TONS of coccons. I think each queen has at least 8-10.


Here are some pictures:






(I don't know why, but all my pictures are turning sideways whenever I post, does anyone have an idea why? Is it the way files are uploaded or the camera angle?)


Can't wait for first nanitics to arrive!!!



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#5 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 27 2024 - 10:17 PM


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I know I've checked on them only a few days ago, but I noticed a very dark cocoon and  I just had a hunch that a worker would enclose very soon. So I checked on Antoinette today and...VOILA!! First nanitic!!! 

And another good news is that I saw another very dark cocoon, which means another worker is soon enclosing! I'm so happy!!  :yahoo:



Antoinette looks exhausted. Don't worry Antoinette! Soon, you will live life of luxury!!


For anyone who's wonder about Vin, she's doing great, I expect a worker from her within a week.

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#6 Offline Stubyvast - Posted June 28 2024 - 9:18 AM


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Nice!! This is awesome!

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Currently raising: 

Myrmica Rubra (polygynous 2 queen + brood)

Camponotus Modoc (single queen + brood)

Camponotus Vicinus (two single queens + brood)

Lasius Niger (single queen + ~60+ workers)

Tetramorium immigrans (single queen)

Temporarily keeping IdioticMouse26's ants/tarantula until August 12th as he is away. Thanks IM26!



#7 Offline AsdinAnts - Posted June 28 2024 - 9:52 AM


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she’s so tiny compared to Antoinette lol
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Currently keeping
-A. occidentalis
-B. patagonicus
-C. vicinus
-F. neogagates
-M. invidia
-Stennama spec..
I will want to also keep some other lasius types in the future.
You should also subscribe to my youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@AsdAnts

#8 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted June 28 2024 - 2:14 PM


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she’s so tiny compared to Antoinette lol

I know right? :lol:  It's crazy how much bigger they get once proper nuturition is given.

#9 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted July 3 2024 - 4:55 PM


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First feeding today! Since the last time I saw them, there are few more newly enclosed workers! I'm amazed that Antoinette and Vin managed to raise so many workers this early! I thought camponotus would usually only have 3-5 nanitics, max. 


Anyway, I gave them some honey water and they loved it! I saw the workers tugging at the cotton, so I knew they were hungry. I also gave Antoinette's colony a (mostly dead) fruit fly I caught. 


Anotinette & her nanitics eagerly slurping up honey water. I count five nanitics with three more cocoons:



Vin & her three nanitics. I count five more cocoons:



I think the queens each have eight workers in total (if you count the cocoons).


Can't wait for the day when they number in hundreds! Also can't wait for the first major to emerge!

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#10 Offline GOCAMPONOTUS - Posted July 3 2024 - 5:14 PM


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if you want majors you should power feed protein. C.sp queens can have different number of workers in the first gen. lowest I had was 1 worker. Highest I had was 11. They  should reaching hundreds by year 3+ maybe 2 if you power feed.

Edited by GOCAMPONOTUS, July 3 2024 - 5:15 PM.

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Currently keeping: 2 C.vicinus colonies.2 C.sansabeanus. 1 C.leavissimus. 2 C.Ca02. 1 V.pergandei. 4 T.immigrans.1 F.pacifica. 1 C.hyatti

1 M.ergatognya





Trying to get my hands on :C.modoc,A.vercicolor, and Any Honeypots




#11 Offline Stubyvast - Posted July 3 2024 - 5:27 PM


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Yah I've heard of quite successful colonies that produce majors in early year 2, but I assume this is due to power feeding. Go Vin and Antoinette!! Great job IdioticMouse!

Currently raising: 

Myrmica Rubra (polygynous 2 queen + brood)

Camponotus Modoc (single queen + brood)

Camponotus Vicinus (two single queens + brood)

Lasius Niger (single queen + ~60+ workers)

Tetramorium immigrans (single queen)

Temporarily keeping IdioticMouse26's ants/tarantula until August 12th as he is away. Thanks IM26!



#12 Offline IdioticMouse26 - Posted July 5 2024 - 9:34 PM


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Hello everyone! I have some important announcement I would like to make regarding this journal.

Me and my family is going to my homecountry, Korea, for a month next wensday. Which means in that time, I would not be able to update this journal. I'm making this announcement today because my good friend StubyVast has agreed to take care of my ants(and tarantula) while I'm away, and I'm handing them over tomorrow. I know they'll be in good hands. 

I will be making a blog about my ant findings in Korea, so stay tuned! I heard there are over 130 ant species in Korea (I'm hoping I could encounter some Strumigenys!). 


Thank you all for reading journal so far! I really appreciate it.

Edited by IdioticMouse26, July 6 2024 - 8:17 AM.

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