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Ant Game (Ver 1.0)

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9 replies to this topic

#1 Offline benxixi - Posted March 21 2024 - 4:29 PM


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NOW or maybe FUTURE

So , after 3.5 years in ant keeping , I feel boring . I have been trying to do more and more in ant thing , I've tried photographing, help someone write book about ant , make vedio with ant exp, supply lab researcher. 

Finaly I am tinking about game,actually I already wrote some words about a wild ant rise game proposal, (some ideas are very good and insteresting ,I think), like start at a Myrmecocystus(hard mode or Advanced mode) queen in desert with random food ,water and insect (threat). or even with camponotus as easy mode. 

also there will be some different environment ,such as north frost(with snow in winter) , desert (less water and food in whole year), rainforest, urban park, even humen house. 


I guess the purpose of this game is rising a huge colony ,then keep the kingdom safe and aotomaticly running, also the graphic should be good ,because it might need show different ants characteristics, Unlock more characteristics ants through the colony's staged development. 


and there is also a lot more questions that need to deside, like ,how long should it take in 1 round game?

to be honestly , I do not have any exp on this. I played a lot games and think about a lot ,and that's it, 




not sure if people like it , it is only about ant after all. and for out of anting circle people, the final purpose is not good and strong enough (I guess),  


but anyway , I will write down and finish it here, maybe one day in the future ,a game make team will make it . 

please let me know , as an ant keepper , what do you think about it? 


Edited by benxixi, March 28 2024 - 7:52 PM.

  • B_rad0806, TacticalHandleGaming and Artisan_Ants like this

Ants ,formicary, and ants supply product for selling .

Discord : benxixi#0053 , ins :benxixi_ (ants, product, nest pictures)

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#2 Offline GOCAMPONOTUS - Posted March 21 2024 - 4:34 PM


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I feel this would be a great idea as it is coming from someone who knows ants really well.

  • Artisan_Ants likes this

Currently keeping: 2 C.vicinus colonies.2 C.sansabeanus. 1 C.leavissimus. 2 C.Ca02. 1 V.pergandei. 4 T.immigrans.1 F.pacifica. 1 C.hyatti

1 M.ergatognya





Trying to get my hands on :C.modoc,A.vercicolor, and Any Honeypots




#3 Offline ZTYguy - Posted March 22 2024 - 9:24 AM


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I would most definitely take a gander at playing it. Definitely seems like a fun time.
Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia

#4 Offline AsdinAnts - Posted March 22 2024 - 7:03 PM


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This is an amazing idea, but don’t forget the word “idea”. This game would probably take quite a long time, maybe 1 year in order to even start with a map as large as the one you’re describing. Scripting the ants and making the UI, Graphics, Scripts, and even placement would also take quite some time. Not trying to be a mood kill either, I'm js saying.
Currently keeping
-A. occidentalis
-B. patagonicus
-C. vicinus
-F. neogagates
-M. invidia
-Stennama spec..
I will want to also keep some other lasius types in the future.
You should also subscribe to my youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@AsdAnts

#5 Offline Locness - Posted March 25 2024 - 5:42 PM


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I like your ideas, I think there are many games out there, particularly app games, that have similar gameplay and structure. They all run off of similar programming and coding so I honestly don't believe it would take very long to make a game like that. With the emergence and rapid evolution of AI, basic games like these would be easily made with a prompt.

#6 Offline benxixi - Posted March 28 2024 - 7:25 PM


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Ant Cultivation Game  (ver 1.0)

Given that this is a long-term update, I may change everything later on. I will keep update new stuffs or edit difference here by replying for notifying . (lol ,just like a game did,but just no .exe icon now .lol )



Game Definition: Cultivation, Survival, Mild Competition.

Game Overview: This is an ant cultivation game designed to simulate the survival environment of ants in the wild. Players will solve developmental issues, survival challenges, and confront external threats to develop into large colonies, resembling simulated cities, city skylines, alien factories, tower defense games, etc. Once becoming a large colony, the entire ant society will operate as a massive social group automatically.

Similar to RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games like Red Alert and Warcraft, players can choose to control a single ant or a certain number of worker ants/queen ants. In the later stages of the game, due to the large number of worker ants, the game will adjust the corresponding work ratio to match the number of worker ants.

The game map is in 2D top-down view, with 2.5D game units, and a semi-realistic art style.

Game Objectives: Objective Mode: Victory Condition - Develop from a single queen ant (a small colony with 5 worker ants) to the appearance of a new queen ant, thus achieving population expansion.

                             Free Mode: No Victory Condition - Develop from a single queen ant (only able to choose a single queen ant) to a mature colony (with over 100 worker ants).

Failure Condition: Queen ant dies.

Game Maps:

                     Forest (Difficulty: Very Easy) - Rich in food/water resources, low threat level.

                     Desert (Difficulty: Normal) - Difficulty lies in scarcity of food/water resources, low threat from other creatures.

                     Rainforest (Difficulty: Extremely Difficult) - High threat from other creatures.

                     City Green Belt (Difficulty: Extremely Difficult) - Difficulty lies in scarcity of food/water resources, pesticide threat.

                     DLC Home Maps (Kitchen, Bathroom) - Difficulty: Extremely Difficult - Difficulty lies in unstable humidity, pesticide threat, slightly scarce food/water resources.

Food System: Divided into water resources, nectar, plant seeds. Other insect units, randomly appearing animal carcasses.

Game Units: Player Side: Overview: Early-stage worker ants of all species have lower values, while mature colonies have higher values.

                     Queen Ant: Initially responsible for digging the initial nest chamber, simple foraging for water and food, egg-laying, nurturing (fungus?), larvae, and producing worker ants. Later, only responsible for egg-laying. Lifespan: Long-term survival. Worker Ant: Responsible for digging nest chambers in each stage, foraging for food and water, nurturing (fungus?) eggs, larvae. Lifespan: Short-term survival (specific number of days to be determined).

Ant Types: Camponotus: Overall high values, very easy difficulty, suitable for novice players. Workers have 4 specializations, one of which is soldier ants with a powerful attack skill: Acid Spray (Strong).

                  Harvester Ants: Balanced values, easy difficulty, suitable for experienced players. Workers have 4 specializations, one of which is soldier ants with a strong attack power. Can eat seeds, making food easier to obtain.

                  Honeypot Ants: Very weak attack power, low health, but fast speed, very easy difficulty, suitable for advanced players looking for a challenge. Workers have 4 specializations, one of which is honey storage ants. Possesses a weak attack skill: Acid Spray (Weak). Bullet Ants: High attack power, normal speed, low health, high difficulty, suitable for mid to late-game challenge. Workers have no specialization but possess a powerful passive attack skill: Powerful Mandibles.

                   Leafcutter Ants: High attack power in the later stages, normal speed, high health, high difficulty, suitable for late-game challenge. Workers have 5 specializations, soldier ants possess a powerful passive attack skill: Powerful Mandibles. Can only cut leaves to cultivate fungus as food.

Threats: Other insects, other ants(maybe add different boss is a good idea.). Special maps: Human activities.

Game Interface: Divided into surface and underground layers, with multiple underground layers. Surface provides more food and water resources, but without stable humidity, no nests can be built. Underground has stable humidity, requiring nest digging (unlocked with the number of worker ants?), and there may be minimal food (depending on different environments) or no food.

Surface and underground layers can be switched using the mouse wheel.

Day and night system, weather system, four-season climate system: (Different situations data according to the map).

Forest Map: Difficulty - Easy Day and night system: No difference.

                    Weather system:

                    Spring - Rainy season: Surface and underground: Moderate temperature, moderate humidity. All units: Move, work speed (100%).

                     Surface foraging worker ants have normal loss probability (20%),

                     worker ant lifespan normal (100%).

                     Egg, larval development time normal (100%).

                     Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

                     Summer - Drought season: Surface and underground 1 layer High temperature: Slightly higher temperature, moderate humidity. Underground 1 layer and below slightly higher temperature, moderate humidity. All units: Move, work speed 110%.

                     Surface foraging worker ants have normal loss (20%). Worker ant lifespan normal (100%).

                     Eggs, larvae cannot survive in underground 1 layer. Underground 1 layer and below,egg, larval development time slightly accelerated (110%).

                     Moderate food/water resources.

                      Autumn - Suitable season (like "Don't Starve") at the beginning: Moderate temperature, moderate humidity, easy to find and store resources.

                      All units: Move, work speed (100%).

                      Surface foraging worker ants have normal loss (20%),

                      worker ant lifespan normal (100%).

                      Egg, larval development time normal (100%).

                      Moderate food/water resources.

                     Winter - Slow season: Surface and underground - Low temperature/humidity. All units: Move, work speed 70%.

                      Surface foraging worker ants have high loss probability (40%).

                       Worker ant lifespan normal (100%) Egg, l

                       arval development time slowed (80%).

                        Very little food/water resources.

Desert Map: Difficulty - Hard Day and night system: No difference. Weather system:

                    Spring - Rainy season: Surface and underground: Moderate temperature, high humidity. All units: Move, work speed 100%.

Surface foraging worker ants have slightly higher loss probability (30%), worker ant lifespan normal (100%). Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

                     Summer - Drought season: Surface and underground 1-3 layers High temperature: High temperature, low humidity. Underground 3 layers and below temperature slightly higher, humidity slightly lower. All units: Move, work speed 120%.

Surface foraging worker ants have a high loss probability (40%) loss. Worker ant lifespan slightly shortened (90%) Eggs, larvae cannot survive in underground 1-3 layers. Underground 3 layers and below, egg, larval development time significantly accelerated (130%). Very little food/water resources.

                     Autumn - Suitable season (like "Don't Starve") at the beginning: Moderate temperature, moderate humidity, easy to find and store resources. All units: Move, work speed 100%.

Worker ant loss probability very low (10%). Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Moderate food/water resources.

                     Winter - Slow season: Surface and underground - Low temperature/humidity. All units: Move, work speed 70%.

Surface foraging worker ants have a high loss probability (40%). Worker ant lifespan slightly longer (110%) Egg, larval development time slowed (80%). Very little food/water resources.

Rainforest Map: Difficulty - Extremely Difficult Day and night system: No difference. Weather system:

                     Spring - Rainy season (Heavy rain): Surface and underground: High temperature, high humidity. All units: Move, work speed (100%).

Surface foraging worker ants have high loss probability (30%), worker ant lifespan normal (100%). Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

                     Summer - Rainy season (Torrential rain): Surface and underground High temperature: Extremely high temperature, extremely high humidity. All units: Move, work speed 100%.

Surface foraging worker ants have significant loss (40%). Worker ant lifespan normal (100%) Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

                     Autumn - Rainy season (Light rain): Moderate temperature, high humidity, All units: Move, work speed (100%).

Surface foraging worker ants have high loss probability (30%), worker ant lifespan normal (100%) Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

                     Winter - Slow season: Surface and underground - High temperature/humidity. All units: Move, work speed 100%.

Surface foraging worker ants have high loss probability (30%). Worker ant lifespan normal (100%) Egg, larval development time normal (100%). Abundant water resources and plenty of food resources.

Game Phases:

Initial Stage: 

                 Hard mode: Starting from a single queen ant. Players need to collect a minimal amount of water resources (rainwater, dew, river water, lake water, puddles after rain, blood water from animals/insects' corpses, etc.), while food resources are divided into two types: sugar (aphids, blood water from animal/insect corpses, nectar, plant fruits, etc.) and protein (animal/insect corpses, fungi (only for leafcutter ants)). In the initial state of the game, the queen ant will have a low level of satiety and can go without eating for a period of time.


This has not finished yet.  


PS: some funny thing when I wrote .

      1. I might try to write letter about this game to Disney , EA or Paradox(LOL ),  For Paradox ,because the CITYSKY LINE,  I love STELLARIS btw. for EA ,maybe because SPORE (Even if EA eventually disbanded the development team. )

, for Disney ,I guess I saw a game about insect from Disney, maybe they will love ant cultivation game  .  LMAO


      2. well , you can see I add humen house as a DLC map with argentina ant. even this game is just an idea now, I came up with a good idea for sell . LOL ,also the skin ,you know , different species under same genus. 

      3. I think most of idea are from Don't Starve ,lol, I played about 230h already.  

Edited by benxixi, March 28 2024 - 7:46 PM.

Ants ,formicary, and ants supply product for selling .

Discord : benxixi#0053 , ins :benxixi_ (ants, product, nest pictures)

Pogonomyrmex californicus  1



#7 Offline benxixi - Posted March 28 2024 - 7:43 PM


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This is an amazing idea, but don’t forget the word “idea”. This game would probably take quite a long time, maybe 1 year in order to even start with a map as large as the one you’re describing. Scripting the ants and making the UI, Graphics, Scripts, and even placement would also take quite some time. Not trying to be a mood kill either, I'm js saying.

yea, I know , right now ,game can not finish by one person , It's not that I know how to do anything anyway. lol

Ants ,formicary, and ants supply product for selling .

Discord : benxixi#0053 , ins :benxixi_ (ants, product, nest pictures)

Pogonomyrmex californicus  1



#8 Offline The_Gaming-gate - Posted March 29 2024 - 12:02 PM


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This is an amazing idea, but don’t forget the word “idea”. This game would probably take quite a long time, maybe 1 year in order to even start with a map as large as the one you’re describing. Scripting the ants and making the UI, Graphics, Scripts, and even placement would also take quite some time. Not trying to be a mood kill either, I'm js saying.

yea, I know , right now ,game can not finish by one person , It's not that I know how to do anything anyway. lol

Depending on how realistic you want graphics and ant behaviors to be, you actually could make it by yourself, it would just take a long time.
  • Artisan_Ants and GOCAMPONOTUS like this

Ants are small creatures... but together... they can rule the world.




#9 Offline GOCAMPONOTUS - Posted March 29 2024 - 12:07 PM


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Ask coders in your area maybe they can help with the graphics and such.

  • Artisan_Ants likes this

Currently keeping: 2 C.vicinus colonies.2 C.sansabeanus. 1 C.leavissimus. 2 C.Ca02. 1 V.pergandei. 4 T.immigrans.1 F.pacifica. 1 C.hyatti

1 M.ergatognya





Trying to get my hands on :C.modoc,A.vercicolor, and Any Honeypots




#10 Offline Artisan_Ants - Posted March 29 2024 - 1:12 PM


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This would definitely take some time to create (like you mentioned; it would take more than one person to make) cause you would not only have to code, you would have to create the models for it which isn’t to hard; but it isn’t so easy either. Otherwise; this seems like a great idea!
  • GOCAMPONOTUS likes this


2x - S. molesta (colonies)                1x - C. nearcticus (founding)  (y) New!

1x - C. chromaiodes (colony)           1x - C. subbarbatus (founding)  (y) New!

2x - F. pallidefulva (colonies)             1x T. sessile (mega colony)

2x - C. cerasi (colonies)  workers are here!  :yahoo:

1x - B. depilis (founding but no eggs)

4x - P. imparis (colonies)  Unfortunately no multi queen P. imparis colonies as all of the queens died due to fungus infection (assumed). RIP  :( 

Check out my C. nearcticus journal here: https://www.formicul...cticus-journal/

Check out my C. chromaiodes journal here: https://www.formicul...aiodes-journal/

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