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Trap jaw habitat suggestions

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#1 Offline JustabirdfromFlorida - Posted January 3 2023 - 2:56 PM


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I currently have a odontomachus haematodus queen and have no idea to what I should house her in. She is currently in a tubs & tubes set up with some soil from the area I caught her in.
And also should I brood boost her with pupae or should I dip a few workers in vinegar and introduce them to her.

#2 Offline United-Ants - Posted January 3 2023 - 3:26 PM


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i would recommend a tub and tube setup brood boost her with 6to8 pupae  feed her proteins every other day  and sugar water or honey every day or 2

#3 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 3 2023 - 5:00 PM


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What you're doing right now should be fine, she doesn't sound like she needs a brood boost.  Don't do anything that would stress her out in the first couple of weeks, and if she doesn't have any growth then try brood boosting (assuming you know as a fact she is fertile).  Don't try to rush your queen.  I would've recommended baking the dirt (and anything from outside for that matter of fact) to kill it, but there's still a small chance of there being anything fatal in there.  But hey, rather safe than sorry.



#4 Offline Hothkinstroy - Posted January 4 2023 - 11:29 AM


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Haven't researched this species much, but judging by what other people have done, keep them in the tubs and tubes. If you want, making them a more naturalistic tubs and tubes setup would also work as well. They seem to be quite healthy, so I'd say small feedings every day since they don't really take anything that's too much larger than them. Either that or chop up their food to make it more appealing if you aren't already doing that  :) .

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