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Schermicarium Journal

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#1 Offline Scherme - Posted February 10 2021 - 10:58 AM


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This is an attempt to keep track of progress made on the various pieces of equipment I have been working to create myself, the largest and most involved of which has been dubbed the "Schermicarium" by my partner in this endeavor. This is not an effort to market my stuff, even if I do plan to potentially sell one day.


My initial goal was to reduce the cost of anting supplies for myself and possibly others. At the most, potentially selling to offset the costs of the hobby, nothing more. 


At the very LEAST this has been a super fun experience and I am learning a lot.


I am working with a close friend who started designing in a 3d space and bought a small 3d printer. I downloaded a couple formicarium .stl files and sent them to him to print for me. 

When he gave me the finished prints, I started to think of the possibilities. We started chatting about them, and he seemed confident he could tweak some of the things I didn't like. I sent him over my notes and he printed me a new one. It became a cycle of notes, tweaks, and prints. 


It all started out with a formicarium STL from "Ants Mexicoā€¯. This is essentially a rip of the AC hybrid nests without any laser cutting. It is intended to have a mesh screen of some sort to allow humidity in.

My first change was the layout 
 I felt a variety of smaller and bigger chambers would allow them to choose. 
These small changes continued over the course of many versions 
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Thinning out walls, changing port hole to snuggly fit the bigger vinyl tubing. 
We removed, then re added a small fill tray for water and redesigned the top. 
Once I felt like we had a usable version, I cut some glass, built a quick cube outworld and put my tetras in it.. They are still, as of now, thriving in it. 
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Edited by Scherme, February 10 2021 - 11:14 AM.

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#2 Offline Scherme - Posted February 10 2021 - 11:02 AM


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Eventually, the frame that prints as a separate piece which is used to sandwich the hydration mesh was phased out completely. Now the mesh is printed right into the nest. 
I then did a redesign of the chambers, keeping in mind my goal for a mini version. The large nest was too big for a small colony. 
Schermicarium v2

And the Schermicarium Mini
Nest 2.0 Mini
The mini is exactly half the full nest. You can actually fit 2 next to each other and use the large reservoir and lid. I even had some tube stoppers designed into the nest, so you can cut some vinyl tube and connect any of the nests together without risk of pushing the tubes all the way in. There is a full working version of both already printed, I recently cut glass for them in preparation for my Camponotus.

Edited by Scherme, February 10 2021 - 11:21 AM.

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Tetramorium immigrans | Journal

Lasius Neoniger | Journal

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#3 Offline Scherme - Posted February 10 2021 - 11:11 AM


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I already have "hydration tubes", vinyl tubes with mesh at one end and rubber stoppers at the other, inspired by THA "Nestmates". Next task was to reduce the amount of times I needed to manual refill the water reservoir.. soooo 

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The auto waterer was born. These are being printed now and plan to be used for my Camponotus.
Other things in the works for the 3d printer are tube connectors of various configurations, and stopper for the portals in the nest. 
I recently did a hydrostone pour into one of my cube outworlds that I will get some pictures of as well.. Simple sand coated bottom with a tunnel coming from the bottom.
I have a summary of myself creating petri dish founding formicariums that Miles from The Ant Network has a guide on how to build in my Lasius Neoniger journal. They work well.
Currently I am experimenting with the keeping of live plants in outworlds. 

Edited by Scherme, February 10 2021 - 11:16 AM.

  • TennesseeAnts and ANTdrew like this

Tetramorium immigrans | Journal

Lasius Neoniger | Journal

Camponotus Pennsylvanicus | Journal

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Schermicarium - DIY | Journal

#4 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 10 2021 - 11:19 AM


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This is the kind of content we need to elevate this forum again.

  • Scherme, TennesseeAnts, Manitobant and 1 other like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#5 Offline antsandmore - Posted February 10 2021 - 12:03 PM


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This is the kind of content we need to elevate this forum again.

yes, but also to bring back helpfulness and to inspire others. good job Scherm!! edit: I guess that's the same thing

I'm going to try to make a ytong nest myself one of these days. 

Edited by antsandmore, February 10 2021 - 12:04 PM.

Ants I am keeping:

 none for now, planning on being more active this year

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