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Messor Barbarus Colors

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#1 Offline rcflyer - Posted November 4 2020 - 6:42 AM


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Messord Barbarus comes in black, Redhead and Tricolors.  AntsRus even carries Fire Red Tricolor.  I am trying to debate which to get.  Does standard black species majors has potential for some red or brown coloring? Not seeing much photos of Tricolor ones can someone be kind enough to post them?  Lastly Barbarus has the biggest size soldiers in Messor family?


#2 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted November 4 2020 - 6:59 AM


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I believe messor barbarus have the biggest heads ripping through even tire rubber sometimes, the majors and supermajors will have sometimes a different color but not to much to tell. A fire color would be so cool despite red being a dominant color in ants. But mesor would be cool looking red like pogonomrymex. 

We don’t talk about that

#3 Offline TheIndianMafia - Posted November 4 2020 - 7:10 AM



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If I can recall correctly, Messor Cephalotes is larger than M. Barbarus. Correct me if I'm wrong

#4 Offline rcflyer - Posted November 4 2020 - 7:28 AM


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If I can recall correctly, Messor Cephalotes is larger than M. Barbarus. Correct me if I'm wrong

Yep you'll right its the biggest!

#5 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted November 4 2020 - 2:57 PM


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I was unaware that sellers ever referred to ants as having color morphs. I thought that was mainly a reptile thing.

#6 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted November 4 2020 - 4:49 PM


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No actually we do sometimes if it’s cool colored. apheanogaster, pogonomrymex well mine at least have color morphs which is cool. Well actually I traded my color morph apheanogaster to AleeGuy.
We don’t talk about that

#7 Offline Raeyain - Posted April 28 2021 - 4:15 AM



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Anyone familiar with Messor Cephalotes? Do you know if there are different color variants/morphs across Cephalotes colonies like Barbarus do? (eg. Semi red, full red, deep or bright etc)

Edited by Raeyain, April 28 2021 - 4:23 AM.

#8 Offline Fatatoille - Posted April 28 2021 - 6:29 AM


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To begin, yes barbarus majors derivative from bicoloured queens typically exhibit bicolouration with the reds becoming more vivid relative to the size of worker, though this is usually exclusive to the head of the major. There are a few pics of one of my barbarus majors on my journal here on fc for reference, the colony she is from also possesses a ‘fire red’ queen, from Antsrus, ironically.

This brings me to my second point, if you want to buy from a messor queen from antsrus, don’t get the fire red queen. The red coloration is barely visible on the thorax and is any good colour can only be achieved through photos with the super high saturation. Just stick with getting a bicoloured or redhead queen, it’s not worth the money otherwise.

Messor cephalotes only have one colour morph to my knowledge and is a reddish black colour, and as much of a great species they are to keep, prices usually exceed £400 for a single queen (I’m assuming you’re in the uk) and are super hard to find on the market unless you contact a private supplier. Not to mention they grow super slow, compared to most messor species.

If you are looking for a larger species of messor for a bit cheaper, I’d suggest looking up messor arenarius, they are still a bit expensive around 180-250 quid per colony with a few workers, but the queens still reach 21mm and majors typically get to 17-18mm in length, being the second largest species in the messor genus. the colonies grow slow and the only colour variant is a shiny black (they can appear slightly iridescent in the right light). But they do at least guarantee size if that’s what you’re after.

Edit:didn’t realize how old this post was, please excuse my ignorance.

Edited by Fatatoille, April 28 2021 - 8:44 AM.

Prawn and Mayo sandwiches taste nice.

#9 Offline Raeyain - Posted April 28 2021 - 8:11 PM



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Thanks for the reply Fatatoille! Greatly appreciate that you took the time to clarify this for me. Have a joyous and restful weekend ahead!
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#10 Offline Fatatoille - Posted April 29 2021 - 12:44 AM


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Thanks for the reply Fatatoille! Greatly appreciate that you took the time to clarify this for me. Have a joyous and restful weekend ahead!

Always happy to help  :). Have a nice weekend.

Edited by Fatatoille, April 29 2021 - 12:44 AM.

Prawn and Mayo sandwiches taste nice.

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